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Fuck so many people

Fuck so many people

So many people I knew need to be in a fucking straitjacket, a gag, a mask, and a helmet and be given daily forced electroshock and mandatory highly experimental non FDA approved mental drugs.
anonymous Other January 10, 2025 at 12:01 pm 1
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You don't know HOW much I want to see you so I can show you how I relate, better than words. THAT is how much in sync I agree with you. I don't go out much at all ever since Covid as people have gotten more the fuck insane, especially women. Now at present, they're fawning over him, while I'm walking and I'll get glared at by a woman, or in broad daylight, screamed bloody horror at and then dashing as fast as possible away from me, threatened to be beat up by a group of them, and those doing that are high schoolers, aside from that, people having hair triggers to murder because you burped wrong or had the wrong hair color at that time. I just can't take it. At least when I'm home, I can enjoy the fruits of my labor that I work hard for and find ways to compensate for not being outside in what I feel is the largest open air asylum since covid ended. If anything, it's made me grateful that every day, I can wake up by myself, knowing how to make myself happy and not needing expensive material things to do so, have mandatory debt like bills to live already budgeted for, and I only answer to myself. Whenever I get lonely or admittedly a little horny, I just literally look on the news on the computer or my phone and I'm like, nevermind! I'm cured! I'm good! I'm living the good life! And I'm content living away from the wackjobs who you don't know if a person's your friend, they'll be your enemy tomorrow and yet you didn't change. That's happened to me more times than I can count or now care to go through. Following logic and to an extent, religion really helps you weather the storm. So thank you for being an arbiter of truth and showing fierceness towards this what I feel is a dangerous mental illness pandemic sickness. Have an EXCELLENT New Years, and I hope everything goes well for you and you get what you want.
anonymous 2 months ago
I really want to beat some of those fuckers while they are strapped to a slab as I get ready to throw 50,000 volts through their shit evil brains. DIIIIIIIEEEEEEE FUCKERS!
anonymous 2 months ago
"people have gotten more the fuck insane"

So have I, but because how people treated me. But If they want to keep getting funny on me, I'll give them a fucking dirt nap no cops getting involved.
anonymous 2 months ago
To that poster above me, that's how I feel, and I over 100% agree with you. In fact, me being nice, which really didn't change from when I was a kid and this was instilled in me by my mom and grandma, is considered weak and gay by the supposed tough asses out there infesting society. Yet they would want someone nice to them though. And further, being nasty, just earns the risk of what you say would happen. A shorter, more violent end to your life. Just why unless it's absolutely necessary, I just make a beeline, point a to b it, then go home as unassuming looking as possible. Can't trust anyone, and that's a ghetto saying that should be mandated to be taught in schools, because this has been instrumental in how I relate, interact and deal with people.
anonymous 2 months ago
I'm going to make it my mission to get as many people locked up as I possibly can before I kick the bucket. They fucked with the wrong one.
anonymous 2 months ago
Also my parents and family were shit.
anonymous 2 months ago
Some people need to be extremely limited and gagged. Because they go around hurting other people.

Handcuff them, gag them, and throw them into the paddy wagon.
anonymous 2 months ago
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