A few years ago a friend of mine named Mike blocked me for no reason on Facebook and I don't understand what I did to make him want to block me especially after he got me a somewhat nice gift for Christmas a few years ago only for him to block me.
So recently me and some friends named Brad, Timothy, and Adam were all having lunch together at Burger King and then in comes the gutless blocking pussy with his geriatric husband named Dan so I gave him the finger and I guess he saw me so I went over and asked why the fuck did he block me for and he said he had nothing to say to me and I called him a gutless pussy and a drama queen.
Prior to blocking me he did nothing but whine and complain and bitch and moan all the time on Facebook and would even flake out from attending events that we had planned to go to, and would say that I should be respectful whenever dipshits piss me off or when some loser cut me off on the road driving slow on purpose to piss me off and then on the day he blocked me I was going to share pics on Facebook of an event we were at a year prior and he started acting all bitchy only for me to find out that he blocked me.
He then told me to just leave him the fuck alone and I spit in his face and then he throws a drink in my face and I throw a whopper at him and before you know it me and bitch boy were having an all out brawl in Burger King as the fists started flying in the restaurant.
I punched him a number of times and he hit me back as well but I had the upper hand most of the time as we fought on top of a table where I delivered several punches to Mike's fat neckbearded face and then he hit me a few times until I grabbed him by the hair and continued to punch him ferociously.
His Husband, My Friends and Burger King Employees all tried to break up the brawl but I wanted to beat the shit out of this fat soy boy for blocking me months ago for no reason until I was pulled off of him by Burger King Workers.
But I was able to break free, as I grabbed a chair and threw it towards his direction and then he threw one back at me and then I ran over to him jump in the air and knocked him over the counter as I continued to beat the crap out of Mike's fatass as our fight went into the kitchen at Burger King as workers again tried to break up our brawl as I started hitting him with food and he tried to as well before the manager came to break up the fight and told us he's Calling the Cops.
Then as things were settling down and I saw jackoff trying to leave I jumped over the counter and ran towards and tackled him through the glass doors and breaking the glass as I continued to lay more punches as I could then hear workers yelling "STOP IT DAMNIT" and "GET OUT OF MY STORE WITH THIS BULLSHIT"
Next thing I know my friends all got me off of him and I heard Police Sirens so I had to leave I wanted to run him over with my car but the Police was on their way.
I feel redeemed and afterwards I took the stuff he got me for Christmas a few years ago and set it on fire and if I ever see the asshole again believe me I will kick the shit out of him once again, luckily I know where he lives and I may just pay him a visit myself for Round Two.
PaulOther May 01, 2024 at 9:07 am10
people suck its fact at this point no one 10 months ago
Yeah It was light lightning
And Everyone was frightning
And the music was soothing
and everyone started grooving
Yah yeah yeah yeah
Then the guy in he back, yelled everyone attack.
And it turned into a Burger King Brawl.
Burger King Brawl anonymous 1 month ago
??/ anonymous 1 month ago
GOD BLESS DONALD TRUMP, OUR ONCE AND FOREVER KING....All the world is sending money and gifts and virgins and contracts to be forever loyal, obedient and sacrifice all for the KING. HIIS wish is your command. anonymous 1 month ago
4 Rant Comments
no one 10 months ago
And Everyone was frightning
And the music was soothing
and everyone started grooving
Yah yeah yeah yeah
Then the guy in he back, yelled everyone attack.
And it turned into a Burger King Brawl.
Burger King Brawl
anonymous 1 month ago
anonymous 1 month ago
anonymous 1 month ago