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Bigger than Jesus

Bigger than Jesus

It drives me nuts when people who are adamantly and proudly not Christian (fine, up to you) and who know I am Christian (yeah, hiss, boo, insert pizza wheel level jokes here) try to pretend they're better than Jesus and want to start some sort of argument about it with me.

First off, I'm not into debates. You think you're too sophisticated and smart to be a Christian? Cool, again, up to you. I hope you're super happy, but you probably aren't if you have nothing better to do than trying to start shit with me over nothing. You're patting yourself on the back for having become tolerant enough to hang around a Christian? Uh, guess what...if you befriended a black person and made a big deal out of being "tolerant" enough to hang out with a black person, you'd be telling on yourself pretty badly, and it's kinda parallel when you feel a need to tell your Christian friend or partner how proud you are of yourself to be able to accept even THEM as they are. You're still prejudiced and still treating them like shit talking that way. You haven't grown as much as you think. Pardon me for not giving you a medal.

And then, it's never about asking a question. It's never a matter of asking "what do you believe?" "How do you interpret this?" It's always some judgmental garbage about how you think Jesus should've done better and couldn't have had any divinity in him if he didn't handle something the way you would've wanted him to do it. Well considering that most people who seem to think they're going to destroy my entire faith by pretending they're bigger than Jesus haven't opened a Bible in 20-50 years, you might consider that I've got more theological background than you do and know something about this which you do not.

You know, be a Christian, don't be a Christian, I honestly don't think anybody is going to hell for not calling God by the right name. I think God is smart enough to realize that life in this fallen world has literally made faith impossible for some people, and I think God cares enough about each of us enough to want far more for us than eternity in a lake of fire. I can't make anybody believe anything, that's not my place, and I trust God to care enough to do the work I can't. But whatever you are, just be humble and kind. There's a lot nobody knows for sure, and even if Jesus' performance on earth didn't live up to your standards, let's face it: neither of us would've done better. I don't know a single person who has not outright sinned against their own conscience when things got really stressful. You don't have to believe in Jesus, but please don't pretend to be better than a god you're eager to tell the world you don't even believe exists. You're just annoying me, wasting my time, and making me feel embarrassed for you.
anonymous Religion October 19, 2024 at 4:44 am 0
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