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Being tall sucks

Being tall sucks

I'm a woman over 6 feet tall. (Yes I'm cis. My parents were both well over 6 feet so there wasn't much room for me to be average height.)

I'm tired of dumb comments about my height. I'm not even offended, I'm just exhausted. You know how sometimes kids around 3 or 4 years old say something really inappropriate and stupid, and you know they don't mean anything by it, but you're uncomfortable and don't know how to respond? Imagine that coming from people of all ages all your life. You're in the grocery store and suddenly you're thinking 'oh look, this must be a 75-year-old Chinese lady laughing at me...and now she's right up against me, touching me, showing her friend how freakishly tall I am next to her, and she obviously doesn't speak English so telling her to buzz off won't work...everyone in the store is looking now because she's so fucking loud with her stupid high pitched cackling...I know cultural norms vary but even if this is okay in China, which I doubt because every English speaking Chinese person I know treats me like gold, this is the United States and we don't traditionally treat people like crap here for no what the fuck do I do now?...' It's exhausting.

Also there are more important things in life than how we look, but sometimes I wish I could just buy something beautiful off the rack in a store or off an online ad and have it fit. I have very slight proportions but the problem is that when you're my height, even a slight build relative to your height leaves you big enough around to need "plus sizes," and unless you're buying underpants, a short sleeve or sleeveless top, or shorts, plus size won't be long enough. You have to either pay $80 for a pair of jeans in a specialty shop, or you can buy a pair from Old Navy that will stretch out around the waist and be slipping down and tripping you after 4 wears. When possible, just buy menswear.

You need a dress for a fairly formal occasion? Okay, find something in a plus size that's supposed to be mid-calf and which you think you would still like if it were up around your knees. Try to get it on sale because you'll have to get it altered and that will cost you close to $100. Go to the alteration shop so it can be taken in around the waist and the slit can be reduced. That will mean getting to get out of a dress half full of pins, so get ready to hurt. Then go home and start shoe shopping online. After all your feet are enormous too. Hopefully you know about the event at least 2 months in advance because it will take that long to find women's shoes in your size that look right with semi-formal wear.

And you know what? Thank God for MTF trans women and drag queens. Their demand for big women's shoes is probably the only reason you can find anything for a very tall cis woman's foot.

Living like this is horrible.
anonymous Body February 01, 2025 at 2:09 am 2
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3 Rant Comments
Okay firstly I'm 193cm a man. Little girl don't be sad. Why do you care what a chinamen thinks? Lets be honest I'd be happy to take a delicious tall girl. Don't be so hard on yourself lesve that to me. Get yourself a real man. Also please dont mention trans people kind of killing the mood. Real men don't care if a girl is tall. I mean its weird if a man is short. If hes not taller then you hes not really measuring up thats not your fault
anonymous 1 month ago
I hear you. I'm just under 5' 11" & that's to my dad who's 6' (considered normal for a man) was able to counter mom's 6' 1''. It's a struggle, but I can get a lot of my clothes off the rack, and yeah the fit is always off a little. I'm older than you, and lived near a large metro area so I remember back in the day there were "Tall Girl" clothing stores and shoe stores that had brand name clothing made just for talls & higher end department stores like Macy's all had a tiny section for tall women to get the minimum clothing basics. And the prices were not jacked up in these places like they are now for the "Tall Girl" clothing stores that are found only online. The cheaper options like Old Navy are hit & miss, and mostly always a miss in quality. Shopping today in store, I don't mess around. I shop "on a mission" and don't waste any time looking at anything but the cloths and shoes, so as to cover as many stores in one day's shopping trip. And these trips are a routine schedule to make to make sure I have a decent wardrobe selection in my closet; I was trained to shop this way by my mother who taught me all the tricks, including the basics in minor alterations to lengthen sleeve, pant, skirt hems. So I always shop for clothing alone because regular sized friends & family just don't understand no matter how much they claim to. I got a large size 10-12 PJ set for Christmas from a person who 1 month prior tried selling me a size 4, the same size we both wear, pair of jeans she was too lazy to hem. I passed, jeans are about the easiest tall thing to find for me nowadays.
anonymous 1 month ago
I would fuck you I'm 193cm tall
anonymous 7 hours ago
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