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Being a doctor made me a little homophobic

Being a doctor made me a little homophobic

I recently landed a job in an HIV clinic for a non profit organization. It pays less but it’s more rewarding.
I see A LOT of LGBTQ++ patients which is great. But gay men freak me the fuck out !!!!

Gonorrhea in the throat and anus, syphilitic ulcers in the rectum, Sacral neuropathies due to severe herpes cases, urethritis with rare fecal bacteria that doesn’t respond to any treatment. I am amazed at how utterly irresponsible gay men are with their health.

Not only are the disease gnarly and severe, they seem to come back with the EXACT SAME THING every couple of weeks, counting on the fact that they get pumped with antibiotics and go back to suck and fuck random men without a condom.

Like bro! Don’t you understand there will be a time where your nasty fucking infection is not going to respond to the antibiotics???? And that you’re going to be responsible for developing a super bug that can kill millions?

I mean, as a woman, the only explanation I can come up with is that raw, diseased cock in the ass must feel REEEEEEALLY good. So good you would kill yourself and others to enjoy it.
anonymous Work September 24, 2024 at 5:56 pm 2
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Might in the sex trade in order to get more money to get by or supply some addiction, or maybe like in a hetero relationship when a female down on their luck will put up with sex of any type to keep the guy happy in order to have a place to stay and steady food, else why would they be at clinic instead of something better if they had insurance. People will do what they will do to survive, and worry about consequences later.
anonymous 2 days ago
Sad, men are nasty, regardless of status.
anonymous 2 days ago
I'm not a doctor yet, I'm only in medical school, but this is stuff I worry about. I've worked in hospitals, and the only thing I feel that's analogous is a slight apathy towards IV Drug Use patients, with how often they leave after getting admitted to get their fix and then come back the next day. Hopefully you're only feeling burnout and not developing a genuine homophobia.
NotaDoctorYet 2 days ago
Men are gross. period! Yes they would rather die than NOT pursue reckless sexual encounters. and they don't care that their actions can doom humanity with some antibiotic -resistant superbly. They're just nasty!
anonymous 2 days ago
anonymous 2 days ago
It's nothing to do with "men"... homosexuals are just mentally ill and do disgusting things. I feel sorry for them but they always will be high risk for stds. What they do is nasty shit.
anonymous 1 day ago
Michael Douglas blamed doing oral sex on his wife for his throat cancer. Big Pharma's been raking in the cash with HPV vaccines for 11-12y/o before they become sexually active to prevent gnarly genital warts and HPV-related cancers like Douglas is claiming. Oh, and Charlie Sheen Hollywood's one time biggest heterosexual party boy that would stick his dick in any female, and usually was too high off coke to care what condition she was in. His party lifestyle was on par with P Diddy's but will likely never get any convictions coming his way because he's already gotten cancelled out of society because he got HIV and paid over $10 million to blackmailers to keep his status secret while still keeping up the lifestyle spreading it to others.
anonymous 1 day ago
anonymous 1 day ago
no its "men". the only reason all these diseases are an issue with heterosexuals is that women have standards and put the brakes on all this disgusting shit. does not matter their sexual preference, they are EXACTLY the same when it comes to libido and the valuing of sex over seemingly everything else.
anonymous 1 day ago
I pray and hope you get your medical degree revoked with that attitude. Like fuck, I hope you get fucked with one of those disease cocks that you are afraid of.
Don't need an ugly ass dr like you and your future kids helping people. Actually I hope your future kids get assaulted with a view like that.
Fuck you bitch. I hope ur house and ur families die.

BTW, ur a narcissist if you think a gay man will ever put his dick in you. No gay man would ever rape you. Maybe your father but not a gay man. Cunt
anonymous 23 hours ago
I hope it's burnout, cause if it's genuine homophonic. As a dr you can't let your personal beliefs and religious beliefs stop you from practicing medicine. If so, resign from your practice. I guarantee you will fuck around with the wrong person and that person will destroy you.

Just like me telling my Dr, she'd be happier and a better marriages if she could have children. Oh wait, she can't cause her baby maker doesn't work...

You better pray I don't get you for a dr. I will destroy u and your life. And I'll also find ur kids a d ruin them too.

You're unfit to be in any medical field. You're mentally weak and worthless.
I Agree with the dude above that says they hope you get raped and destroyed. I hope you get so diseased that they'll have to shoot you to e d it.
anonymous 22 hours ago
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