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Another one beats the dust

Another one beats the dust

Another cadet is gone from my work.... that's the 8th at least that I've counted.... that's since I started in may abit over a year ago now. Another one beats the dust I'm unstoppable. Try and stop me. We will see. So they picked this cadet hoping to show me up and it's backfired terribly because she couldn't hack it after just a month tops.... and looks possibly that she might have failed university.... oops .... I don't enjoy others misfortune but last week she got cheeky at me and was a bitch plus my boss and the higher up group basically tried to fuck me over this is karma fuckers. I only got to survive 2 more years and I'm done. Then I'm an engineer I will be nice to everyone but the reality is I don't need them anymore I've got enough money to graduate top of my class in peace.... I don't need you people I'm just staying to build up my finances. Once my cadetship is over if you want me as an engineer I'll decide if you treated me right if not you will be out the door.
anonymous Work June 26, 2024 at 5:24 am 0
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