bring back public hangings i need a proper laugh and could do with throwing some folk under the bus, honestly im being serious i can think of dozens of people who should be publiclly hung named and shamed starting with elon
anonymousOther March 10, 2025 at 12:03 am10
^ Fuck you, big man. What's your address? Let's see how big you reall5 are. anonymous 3 hours ago
Alright so what I'm getting from this is "Humanity is totally fucked" and I think that might be because we have people, on this planet, at this moment in time, who genuinely believe that we should be PUBLICLY EXECUTING AND MURDERING PEOPLE. Public hanging were brutal, dude, and your whole "We should kill Elon" makes you seem like a deranged, self centered bastard who thinks just because they don't like somebody that person is worthy of THE DEATH PENALTY. The death penalty is reserved for VERY serious crimes for a fucking reason you fucking moron, we don't kill people unless they killed people and Elon has yet to commit such a heinous crime. Ruination 1 hour ago
3 Rant Comments
anonymous 4 hours ago
anonymous 3 hours ago
Ruination 1 hour ago