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When they go low, we go low

When they go low, we go low

Enough of this we go high nonsense. What good has that ever done. Turning the other cheek means getting slapped, twice. Unelected president Elmo Hitler with the approval of his sidekick, Fat Hitler are cutting essential safety net programs and STEALING from EARNED benefit Social Security. They are literally trying to kill US Americans. How many millions will die because of them?

Vandalizing, as Dear Leader would say it, 'Teslers' is a noble act of heroism. The richest, greediest, richest men in the world need to get taste of their own sadism. They need to be punished. If you own one get rid of it fast before its resale value plummets event further.

This is war!
anonymous Political March 22, 2025 at 9:31 pm 1
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3 Rant Comments
Fuck you libtard!
anonymous 1 day ago
^you're about as dumb as a box of rocks, find some other retard sayings, you're boring
anonymous 1 day ago
^you're about as dumb as a box of rocks, find some other retard sayings, you're boring
anonymous 1 day ago
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