Im so fucking exhausted with my boyfriend why is he so immature and delusional. How dare he do all this shit and have the nerve to cry on me???? How dare he convert to the religion that destroyed my family that i have trauma with? How dare he do nothing about his porn addiction and tell me it make HIM feel bad when im upset that he did it again? I did everything right this time, i didnt raise my voice or say a single mean thing and stayed calm and kind and offered comfort and he STILLL threw a fucking tantrum when i told him I felt ignored. Nobody raised him, i uave half a mimd to tell his mother all the shit hes put me through. How dare he threaten to break up with me or kill himself because im taking a 5 minuye break from an arguement?? And this might be petty but how dare he claim to wany abstinence for religion and then put my head down, fuck me how HE likes and when he cums and knows i didnt act like theres nothing he can do about it???? How dare he give me an IOU for a fucking orgasm every single time and then say "well i cant now because i need to be abstinent" IN FOR A PENNY IN FOR A FUCKING POUND FINISH THE DAMN JOB YOU ASSHOLE. i wanted to msrry him so badly but afyer a stunning realization brought about by both my therapist and my best friend i realize that hes a self centered narcissistic dick!!!! Hes still 10 years old i swear! And he thinks his brother is heaven sent and knows everything. He lives in his own little world where "nobody can actually influnce others emotions, they CHOOSE to feel that way" SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP I DONT WANT TO FUCKING HEAR IT ANYMORE WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN???? WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU TO D3SERVE THIS? HOW DARE YOU CALL ME SPOILED AND IMMATURE AND CLOS3 MINDED WHEN YOU CANT BE ASSED TO DO YOUR OWN FUCKING LAUNDRY OR COOK ANYTHING EVER????? HOW DARE YOU PROMISE ME THINGS LIKE MATURITY EHEN YOURE A S3LFISH DICK????? I ASK FOR NOTHING!!! I ASK FOR YOU TO JIST NOT YELL AT ME AND YOU CANT EVEN DO THAT. WHY CANT YOU BE FUCKING NICE??? WHY CANT YOU EVER LISTEN TO ME? WHY WHY WHY I WANTED TO LIVE WITH YOU FOREVER WHY WONT YOU JUST GO TO THERAPY AND STOP BEING A FUCKING MORMON FOR FUCKS SAKE AND WHY DO YOU INSIST THAT THE SHIT YOU SAY ISNT RACIST SEXIST AND HOMOPHOBIC YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM HOW DSRE YOU SAY YOU CARE WHEN YOU WOULD RATHER PLAY WRHAMMER WITH YOUR BROTHER THAN COMFORT ME WHEN IM CRYING ON THE FLOOR AFTER YOU DEGRADED ME FOR HOURS AND REFUSED TO APOLOGIZE???????? HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT I NEED TO BE MORE HUMBLE WHEN YOU HAVE THIS SELF RIGHTEOUS STICK UP YOUR ASS AND THINK YOURE SO GREAT WHEN IN REALITY YOU THROW A PHYSICAL TEMPER TSNTRUM WHEN I TELL YOU YOURE WRONG???? WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO WHAT THE FUCK MAN I CSNT PAY RENT BY MYSELF I DONT HAVE A JOB IM TOO BUSY FOLDING YOUR LAUNDRY AND COOKING AND CLEANING AND I GET IGNORED SND DISRESPECTED FOR IT STILL!!!!! WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING MEAN TO ME IM TRYING TO BE NICE TO YOU IM SO TIRED OF IT MAN PLEASE i just wanted you to love me why cant you do that. Why csnt you get my flowers and kiss me and never raise your voice and never inturrupt me and acruslly care???? Why cant you bake with me and take me on an actually considerate date and remember what flowers i like and play stardew valley with me? I do everythi g with you and for you and get nothing from you but a fake smile and a broken promise
AnnieRelationships March 24, 2025 at 2:38 am10
twin take a moment for urself and dump that mf. its okay to be single and independent, there's another man out there that'll eat it from the back like a starved orphan then make u breakfast that next morning. if you cant talk out ur issues with him, its not worth talking at all. take care of yourself. stand up, get a job (even if it pays horribly, slow motion is better than no motion), do your OWN laundry and make your OWN meals. if he threatens to kill himself over being dumped, maybe he was a lost cause anyway. in fact, tell him to record it. STAND UP. you got this bb k 2 days ago
Girl, you need to fucking dump him. Tell him to go fuck himself and kick him out. He don't deserve you and from what u said, he sounds like a fat ass fucking dick. Stand up to him, you got this. Don't let him be in control of you. You are your own person and he is a fucking dumb fucking arrogant ass. Fine a guy who wants you for YOU. anonymous 2 days ago
2 Rant Comments
k 2 days ago
anonymous 2 days ago