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Illegals And Fake ID

Illegals And Fake ID

How's Trump going to up his catch of illegals through the IRS by getting their names & addresses off tax documents. A good amount of that shit is fake, fake names, fake social security numbers, fake addresses, given to their employers so they can cover their asses on hiring illegals in case the place gets raided by immigration.
anonymous Political March 23, 2025 at 4:15 pm 1
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Fuck all the arrogant ass fucks who come here illegally and then act like their country is better. Go back. Take your midget ass fat Mexicans and retard Haitians. Go please. We can't stand you fucks either, only we don't go to leech off of your shit hole country.
anonymous 2 days ago
^fuck all the self important entitled white boys who came here and stole my land. You get your fat welfare ass out of my country and return the land back to it's rightful owners.
The only Native American-and it's not you 2 days ago
hey retard commenter, a portion of 'merica was Mexico until your ancestors brought their infested diseased white skin here here and forcefully took it away in the illegal fashion you've grown accustom to. Why don't YOU go back to where YOU came from so YOU can live amongst all those who look like YOU white moron.
sick of it 2 days ago
Thank God that our Supreme Ruler and Emperor Kiing TRUMP will edit history to end all this woke true fecal matter permanently and the new history will support, and support ONLY...the King's view.
anonymous 2 days ago
This rant reminds of the time we hire a guy from an African country that said he was working on getting his Green Card. Some sketchy lawyer he hired had been working on it for years. Then one day he tells us he won the "Green Card Lottery" that started in 1995 for visas the State Department handed out through random drawing of 50K submitted names from countries underrepresented in immigration to the US. Winning the visa meant a clean, quick, easy shot to getting a Green Card that needed no lawyer. The thing was though he told us he won it under one of 4 different names he put in the drawing, and none of them was the one we hired him under which he told us wasn't his real name either. That's 5 names already, plus his real one he came clean and told us. He was a good worker and always on time so we fired him under the old name we hired him under and rehired under his lottery winning name that was only used on paperwork because we all agreed it would be less problematic for customers that all knew him by the old name.
anonymous 2 days ago
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