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Well this suck

Well this suck

I hate this family. I know my mother doesn't thought or worry about me and my sister because we're the eldest and they know we can do our own laundry, make our own food and stuff. But i can't help but hate that she act like she don't care about us. I hate that i do everything in the house such as doing the laundry but i don't even have much clothes. 96 percent of the laundry clothes belong to my siblings. I only get new clothes when someone (relative) gave me they're old ones or if someone give me clothes as a gift. Whenever i need formal clothes for school, i have to borrow but when my siblings need a one time wear clothes, she would even go as far as to buy them new clothes. My youngest sister is a gymnastic and that puts a lot of pressure on her so i need to be the understanding one. I hate that. Why am i the only one to understand others???! My parents accuse me of being jealous of her when I'm not, but as time passes by, that claim is becoming a real statement. I'm so envious that she get to have a skill my parents went as far to invest in it willingly. My parents don't give a fuck if i want to learn something. I'm envious that she can take care of herself more, and she stress only for herself while I'm here stressing for them. I'm stressing on juggling my time being an older sister, a daughter my parents need to rely on and being a student. She can and need to take care of her skin, body and i can't even take care of my hygiene properly. It looks like I'm born to be her maid disguise as her older sister.
Oooooo Home March 27, 2023 at 10:11 am 0
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