best dating

We're 32, not 13

We're 32, not 13

I was using a dating app and began messaging with someone.

We met at a restaurant in her town, that was about 50 miles away from where I am. I immediately had the feeling that this wasn't going to work. She seemed weary of me. Asking questions about my job, like I had lied on my profile (which I fucking didn't BTW). Once that was done, we began the small talk.

She wasn't bad looking, not great looking either. I began to think maybe something could happen and this could lead to a relationship. She began talking about traveling, and seemed to look at me like I was weird for not ever going to Disney or Universal. That's across the country from where we're at. I never had the ability or money to go growing up, and my early adult years were far too chaotic for anything like that.

As she talked she kind of made crazy eyes. Her perfume stuck in the air and was strong enough to tell me she was using it instead of bathing. I looked the other way. She went on about Percy Jackson and Harry Potter. It seemed weird that she talked about Percy Jackson, because that's kind of just for kids. Like Harry Potter can be enjoyed by anyone, but Percy Jackson was something I stopped liking and lost all memory of by around the time I was 14. During this, it was like she'd ask things like "Whose your favorite character?" I'd say, "Serious Black. What about yours?" "Luna. She'd definitely be in my friendgroup if I went to Hogwarts." Like no comments on anything I ever said, and she spoke with a lot of modern slang. No natural stemming like what you get in a normal conversation, where both people are trying and you eventually get into tangents.

I felt nothing, then thought it went okay. I sent a message a few days later about if she wanted to talk on the phone or something. She asked for my SnapChat. After saying I didn't do SnapChat and asked if she wanted to meet somewhere, I got "oh" and that was it.

Then I finally snapped and told myself this was done. I was done playing along with this childish fucking bullshit with this idiot ass girl, and wasn't going to beg.

She acted like a self-centered 13 year old. Communicating through SnapChat? That's something I hear the douchy teenagers at my job doing with people they like, it's not something people in their 30s should be using, especially considering SnapChat came out around the time that me and this girl would have been old enough to go to college.

I just saw no future there. Dealing with one-sided shit with this woman child. She mentioned drinking like it was fun too. I never do that because I grew up around alcoholism. If I had gotten to know her more, she probably would have thought I was boring and uptight which she probably already did, and I know I would have grown to think more of her being a retarded brat.

So, I deleted her off the app and deleted the app altogether.

I never did get to date or anything for awhile. I thought about this earlier and imagine if hypothetically if me and this girl had of met in middle school, and got to go out to McDonald's after class one day, driven by one of our parents, it probably wouldn't have been any different. It would have probably had been just as awkward, and her maturity level wouldn't have been any different.
anonymous Dating March 23, 2025 at 1:18 am 0
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It was a right move to just end it there. I dont know if she was just nervous or actually like a little insane. im a 16 fem and her asking for snapchat is a little hilarious and cringe.. creepy too. That app is just to send pictures to people. i even think she didnt want anything serious too. Hope you find the right one soon!
anonymous 2 days ago
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