Yes, Trump is your king and you all let it happen. You are all now just things to be used and abused per His pleasure, and if you rise up, he's got more than enough firepower to blow you to smithereens. You are not a threat to him with most of your head blown off. You fucks wanted it this, now you got it. You are to be nothing but another feather in his cap, and if you make him angry, you will get fucked up. That goes for the MAGA folks too. All of those guns and bayonets are meant to be pointed at you too.
anonymousOther March 24, 2025 at 7:13 am11
Companies participating in the WH The Easter Egg Roll this year will only be by appointment to His Majesty King President Donald J. Trump. anonymous 4 days ago
Oh yes, the Ishtar fertility symbol egg roll. Despite the Christians crashing on pagans for so many centuries now, and they still do, the sure have a knack for adopting their symbols. Same with the tannenbaum (Christmas tree).
I have nothing against pagans, in fact I think they are much closer to whatever God may exist than Christians are. I just wish Christians would stop being blatantly hypocritical when it comes to their stance on Paganism anonymous 4 days ago
TDS, Beta Redditor....lost an election.....loser 671 4 days ago
^Ahhh Shaddap! You would probably be one of those doofs who would go "everything will be fine" while witnessing the front of the Titanic become completely submerged underwater. Seriously grow up. You have the mind of a 10 year old and you fell for the powers to be's bullshit, hook line and sinker. When all of these little cleansings and vendettas of the Orange man and his pals start plucking away at your friends and family, and your grandparents (they seem to be going under first) will you still be chanting "everything's fine?". Serious question, because I would like to know just how out of touch with reality you are out of morbid curiosity. anonymous 4 days ago
When your work chums begin losing their jobs all around you because the economy is going to shit because Trump managed to piss the entire world off, making former allies and trading partners turn their backs on us, is everything going to be fine then? Europe has already started to boycott US goods all thanks to Trumpy and Friends. anonymous 4 days ago
okay, so what is the reason they call the dukke guy that foren sounding name OSTUBAF? have we done been invaded? something dont smell rite no more, here. billy bob bob 4 days ago
^ ^ Hi, Billy B B ...Be safe by not repeating this stuff...time to go along to get don't want to catch their attention...NO WAY..ouch! take up booze 4 days ago
Why don’t you just shut the FUCK UP! anonymous 3 days ago
"Funny" how the group that historically wailed loudly about "muh freedums" all of these years elected a man who didn't hide the fact that he wanted to be a DICTATOR. He literally said that.
I guess "muh freedums" no more. anonymous 3 days ago
Trump Ass Kissing Syndrome (TAKS)** is a disease characterized by an obsessive inclination to praise and defend Trump, often leading to numerous symptoms. Here are 10 symptoms of this condition:
1. **Constant Flattery Disorder**: Incessant need to compliment the political figure, often to an exaggerated degree, regardless of the context.
2. **Selective Hearing**: Hearing only positive news or statements about the political figure while ignoring negative feedback or criticisms.
3. **Social Media Overload**: An uncontrollable urge to post multiple times a day on social media platforms about the political figure, often using hyperbolic language.
4. **Conspiracy Theory Enthusiasm**: A propensity to believe and promote outlandish conspiracy theories that frame the political figure as a misunderstood hero.
5. **Defensive Reaction Syndrome**: An immediate, overly defensive response when anyone speaks negatively about the political figure, often leading to heated arguments.
6. **Merchandise Acquisition**: Compulsive buying of merchandise, including hats, shirts, and memorabilia associated with the political figure, often leading to crowded living spaces.
7. **Rally Addiction**: A compulsive need to attend rallies or public appearances, seeking an emotional high from the collective approval of like-minded individuals.
8. **Debate Evasion**: A tendency to avoid rational discussions or debates about political issues, often redirecting conversations to unrelated topics or personal anecdotes.
9. **Mythology Building**: Creating elaborate personal narratives that glorify the political figure, often including fictional anecdotes or achievements.
10. **Reality Disconnection**: A noticeable disconnect from factual events or issues, leading to a somewhat delusional perception of the political landscape surrounding the figure.
anonymous 3 days ago
I'll take a gun to his kids first before I let him touch me. It's not my president.
I hope his kids get killed in front of him then his wife then him last. I want to watch while he can't do anything to save his family from the sweet release of death from a hot metal jacket. Aim for painful spots first and let them bleed out. anonymous 2 days ago
11 Rant Comments
anonymous 4 days ago
I have nothing against pagans, in fact I think they are much closer to whatever God may exist than Christians are. I just wish Christians would stop being blatantly hypocritical when it comes to their stance on Paganism
anonymous 4 days ago
671 4 days ago
anonymous 4 days ago
anonymous 4 days ago
billy bob bob 4 days ago
take up booze 4 days ago
anonymous 3 days ago
I guess "muh freedums" no more.
anonymous 3 days ago
1. **Constant Flattery Disorder**: Incessant need to compliment the political figure, often to an exaggerated degree, regardless of the context.
2. **Selective Hearing**: Hearing only positive news or statements about the political figure while ignoring negative feedback or criticisms.
3. **Social Media Overload**: An uncontrollable urge to post multiple times a day on social media platforms about the political figure, often using hyperbolic language.
4. **Conspiracy Theory Enthusiasm**: A propensity to believe and promote outlandish conspiracy theories that frame the political figure as a misunderstood hero.
5. **Defensive Reaction Syndrome**: An immediate, overly defensive response when anyone speaks negatively about the political figure, often leading to heated arguments.
6. **Merchandise Acquisition**: Compulsive buying of merchandise, including hats, shirts, and memorabilia associated with the political figure, often leading to crowded living spaces.
7. **Rally Addiction**: A compulsive need to attend rallies or public appearances, seeking an emotional high from the collective approval of like-minded individuals.
8. **Debate Evasion**: A tendency to avoid rational discussions or debates about political issues, often redirecting conversations to unrelated topics or personal anecdotes.
9. **Mythology Building**: Creating elaborate personal narratives that glorify the political figure, often including fictional anecdotes or achievements.
10. **Reality Disconnection**: A noticeable disconnect from factual events or issues, leading to a somewhat delusional perception of the political landscape surrounding the figure.
anonymous 3 days ago
I hope his kids get killed in front of him then his wife then him last. I want to watch while he can't do anything to save his family from the sweet release of death from a hot metal jacket. Aim for painful spots first and let them bleed out.
anonymous 2 days ago