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Why do I not like Daniel? Well the reasons are pretty simple he's very selectively nice to people for some people he is really nice to and for others he's extremely hateful to. He makes catty comments, says things that are just so far out there that I really just don't know what to say, sometimes he says REALLY mean things to people, and is just a douche bag really when it comes down to it.

The next thing is that he is EXTREMLY nosey... There is just nothing he won't stick his nose into and then spew his opinion about he has people that tells him everything going on with everyone, everything, and everything else. He's made comments accusing people of sleeping with one another, rants about ethical concerns, files reports, questions peoples morality, and just all sorts of things. Makes huge deals out of small issues just petty stuff that isn't any of his concern as well as tries to shadow run things by pulling the strings of his buddies out there.

The third major thing is he's a back stabber and a snitch. He will go and file mile long reports about anything and everything even the smallest of issues, he will for instance if he suspects someone cheated on their wife or husband will file pages and pages of documents just based off roomers he's heard that are many times not even completely true and sometimes not true at all. He will find people who have bones to pick with these people and run to them trying to gather information that many times is exaggerated.

Oh right... He BITCHES ABOUT EVERYTHING.... He bitches about two things... Things that change... and things that don't change. Nothing is ever good enough especially if he's needing FOIA or sunshine requests no information is good enough for him. He likes to inquire about very oddly specific things and throws fits about having to pay for it, calls people lazy, and just all kinds of things like that. He heard a report of something that was stupid having to do with school buses and pulled 100s of hours of footage from the districts school bus camreas. Pulled I would assume thousands of hours worth of body cam videos. Thousands of financial records that he goes through with a fine tooth comb just complaining about everything and leaking it to far right news sources that he then disseminates to mainstream sources that for some odd reason will cover it.

He also goes on ATTACK RAMPAGES against people he does not like and will flip entire groups of people aginst them like he did to the schools and got the people he wanted in who are right wing in their own right but now even farther right wing groups are attacking them since they won't do everything they are wanting him to.

Then he brings Shelby around... And I am just not going to talk about her. She's worse then he is if one can even imagine calling people whores and just horrible names always talking condesending to people
anonymous Other March 13, 2025 at 10:14 pm 0
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