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Car adverts

Car adverts

I fucking hate car commercials with a passion. I’m just sitting there when suddenly a bright, dizzying flash of colour (the car itself) breezes by, with an equally as dizzying, blurred landscape, either with music much louder than the rest of the ads or with some meaningless and obnoxious message about power and exploration and shit like that. Thanks for the sensory overload, arseholes! They also promote speeding and dangerous driving as well as bad consumer habits because cars are already everywhere.
anonymous Other March 14, 2025 at 3:08 am 0
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The new model Dodge is out. Finance for ONLY $349 a month. MSRP $35,000. Like seriously, who the fuck pays that much for a vehicle? I worked with a dumbass who bought himself a new truck and that greatly impacted his finances, and most people aren't that dumb. But whatever it takes to look rich.
anonymous 6 hours ago
The nation has been put on notice that each household, every person and every business must register at least three (3) new tessla cars or be hit with a 225% household goods tariff and face deportation. That is all.
anonymous 3 hours ago
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