The only reason Duterte should be going to the Hauge is to get a medal for how he handled the drug problem in his country and to give lectures about it so other countries can get their shit together. Dead drug gang members can't continue to run their operations from prison & the gangs will eventually run out of members if you keep picking off their numbers one by one. Get rid of weeds by killing the root. Same goes for users who are a plague on society with stealing to support their habit. Who helps the people they stole from, maybe even the last money they needed for food, or something else needed for their kids. And they do this to their own kids and family as well. They waste health care money for drug treatments they only do to avoid hard time in prison and hospital stays for their own self inflicted illnesses caused from drugs. These people will not be missed from society, and if they are it's some family member that's remembering the person they were before they were a plague on society.
anonymousPolitical March 14, 2025 at 8:26 am01
Okay first i will just say this. Drugs obviously are bad but duherte was a dictator and he killled people hunted them like animals. There was no due process and for all anyone knows every person killed may not have been involved in drugs because they are dead and cant defend themselves. Thats why what he did was evil. Because we dont know who was guilty or innocent. If he had a death sentence that is risky enough with getting it right but at least there is a trial he gave mob rule a license to kill. He is a bad guy basically. I know a girl who supported him at my work in Australia she was the most corrupt person ive ever met, another Filipino i met very honest a lawyer and she was completely opposed to Duherte. So it comes down to the educated people who also have integrity are against him... and the bogans were for him now not saying all his supporters are bogan but she was and a criminal, a bad shit person, like you wouldn't break bread with her. anonymous 2 hours ago
The idea that Duterte will become senate leader here is distasteful to some, but not others. anonymous 1 hour ago
3 Rant Comments
anonymous 3 hours ago
anonymous 2 hours ago
anonymous 1 hour ago