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Taking a break from dating

Taking a break from dating

I am going to take a break from dating till I get my life back together. There are a couple of things that I need to change. I need to focus on somethings right now that are important to me. I am also going to quit dancing. I need to fix my life first.
If my life continues the way it does - I feel that it is heading towards destruction or suicide. I need to change everything. I will not commit suicide, but I do not want to think about it either. Nobody can help me. People only make things worse. I have work on fixing my life. My family makes things worse.

Susan Other March 22, 2025 at 8:51 pm 0
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Nobody is worth suicide. If you wanna do it for your own reasons, that's one thing, but if someone pushes you that far, at least take them out with you. As far as family goes, screw 'em. They brought you into this world without your consent.
Misanthropy 1 day ago
Hope every thing goes well for you, but just do what you love or enjoy! its a way to distract yourself and put everything and everyone to a side. take care!
anonymous 1 day ago
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