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School is so stupid

School is so stupid

I swear, high school is so stupid. What do you mean I have to get up at five, get on the bus, go to school, get home at four, do homework from all seven classes including but not limited to, 30 math problems, an essay, another essay, a Spanish project, a science project and much more all assigned that day and due the next. They expect me to sleep it doesn't happen, they expect me to be energized and focused without caffeine and 2 hours of sleep. How am I supposed to pass if the teacher spends the entire period yelling at students and telling us to look at the notes online before the test on everything he never taught us. Yet I'm expected to get A's and be happy, and have friends, and love life! IT DOESNT HAPPEN! I hate this, I'm stressed, exhausted, friendless and I don't have freetime. All I know is my health, happiness, and overall well being doesn't matter if I don't have an A. Why should I have to be scared of a teacher who yells all day and picks on students regardless of they know the answer or not, then yells at them if they don't. How am I supposed to be a happy teen if I cry myself to sleep at night and beat myself up over ONE MISSED POINT. How can I be happy if all I know is grades are law. What do I get for these lovely grades? Nothing. "That should be the standard" Stressing kids out over grades leads to perfectionism. I can't handle having any less than a 100 or else I feel less than, worthless, useless, a mistake. Why is this what we're taught when half the stuff we learn will never be used again? The school system is broken and we can do absolutely nothing but fall victim to it.
anonymous School October 25, 2024 at 9:53 pm 0
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