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Bill Maher

Bill Maher has turned his show into the propaganda ministry department for Israel. He has become such an eager and willing parrot for the Israeli talking points re the colonization and genocidal land grab for the inception of the Jewish State of Israel by European Jews who bore no cultural or physical resemblance to the Indigenous Jews still living among Palestinians who they treated just as badly as the Palestinians, but base their geocidal land grab claim on them living there - as if a millennia of time has not passed with them living in Europe as Europeans. As if they actually had keys and deeds to the property and land from a millennia ago, unlike the Palestinians who actually do have these things from the modern day genocidal 1948 Nakba committed by these Eastern European colonizers, and the ongoing Occupied West Bank land stealing by illegal Israeli so-called settlers.

Even though Maher was raised Catholic, his mother was Jewish, so there's one reason he's so ride or die team Israel. But there is probably a bit more to it than that. He could be looking to get his show back on network television, after having his old ABC show Politically Incorrect canceled June 2002 after Maher made comments on the set of the show on September 17, 2001 praising the 9/11 hijackers: "We have been the cowards, lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away"... "Staying in the airplane when it hits the building—say what you want about it, it's not cowardly". What better way to prove cured of wrong thinking to the large Jewish presence in media upper management than the rabid support of Israel regardless of the fact they are committing ongoing genocide.
anonymous Political October 25, 2024 at 11:22 pm 1
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Fuck Palestine!!!
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