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Religion is an unresolvable rabbit hole

Religion is an unresolvable rabbit hole

"God created mankind in his own image" and this God goes on a blood thirsty, murderous rampage. The creater of a whole universe reduced to being an insane, violent animal with every human weakness such as jealousy and extreme narcissism. (I've never read such a me me me me book in my life. Even Mein Kampf wasn't this self centered). Not to mention the writing quality is atrocious, being like a phone book in some parts, and a rather poor medieval type fantasy in others. This has MANMADE written all over it.

I have a strong feeling that if there is a God, we are just a hit and run creation. Meaning we were created and this entity moved on to other things and couldn't care less about what happens in this world. He could've taken a moment to come back and say "Howdy!" to the world, remove all doubt of his existence, and clean up the whole religious mess man created but that hasn't happened. So if we were just abandoned, we should just accept that fact and move on. And until the 'great "Howdy!"' happens, this is the assumption I am running on.
anonymous Other July 01, 2024 at 1:22 am 0
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