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people who don t like stray cats

people who don t like stray cats

Some people are just such cunts. I feed the stray cats in my neighborhood, i have known most of them since they were kittens. Tried to get them all adopted to no avail, so the were are sterilised for obvious reasons. they do no harm at all but leave paw prints on cars, ok i can understand but cats sleep high and on warm cars its an obvious thing. If my cats weren't there there would be other cats doing the same thing. In any case i have a neighbor who just now after 3 years of me doing this is bothered by the setup i have for some of the cats on the sidewalk. Never bothered anyone before, doesn't block the sidewalk not that anyone uses it at that spot because its behind the streets big trash cans. He (being a father when he ought to have been sterilised himself) believes the cats will infect children who on their own will come grab their bowls and such. The sidewalk is used for others to park their motorcycles and the person himself parks his bike on the sidewalk in front of his house. Humans are the obvious problem here not the cats. Every night he comes up and throws my bowls in the trash, every morning i fix the whole thing again before i feed, then late at night he goes again. This will continue until he quits or comes face me again or calls the police, either way no giving up on my part, its the perfect spot to feed the ones there and most important they have EVERY right to be there just as any human would like to say about themselves. They were born there too so its what they know. Perhaps you think i am a crazy cat person, but i am not. I raised these cats and i have a responsibility by them. This is another example of humans believing they are above all other animals and that the whole world must be made kid friendly for their kids. I am continuing this fight for the cats, for their right to exist where they want just as humans do. In simple terms, fuck this guy!!!
Vaggelis Other November 20, 2023 at 2:52 pm 0
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1 Rant Comment
No one wants these filthy cats shitting, pissing, caterwauling around their place - not even you - or you'd take them all to your place instead of making a never ending low rent looking community eyesore because you only want to give the cheap food but not the expensive spaying and neutering to try an get rid of the problem. Keep annoying your neighbors by keeping these cats around and they will find the solution to the problem at the Autozone,
anonymous 1 year ago
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