Will Ferrell: The fact that this guy is massively famous is proof enough we live in a simulation run by assholes with a nasty sense of humor. The guy is NOT funny. His bit since TV shows is screaming, getting naked showing off his nasty malformed body and being a bit rapey with women. But american white people are simple beings, so they eat it up. But any asshole off the street can pull the same shit.
Billie Eilish: Her Music is monotonous, predictable, her voice is shit and we all know she became Mega famous and rich because of developed connections. She is a dumbass to boot. It doesn't seem she knows anything about how the world works and I can't wait to have her commit suicide.
Drake: Again, simulation theory. Squeaky, castrated voice "rapper" who bites lyrics from others and is just overall a sentient sack of shit who thinks he's the greatest gift to the world. The fact that this guy is so massively rich and famous should be taught in history and economics lectures as proof that human beings need to change their economic system to become a better species. I want to punch this useless piece of dog shit in the face so hard it would cause permanent damage to my hand and it would be worth it.
Cardi B: This crack whore who is the incubating petri dish of the next super STD does not need explanation.
There is many more, but for some reason I thought of these whilst taking a shit, which is all the thought they deserve from a human being.
I love this, and agree with you on all of them. At least Wil Ferrell was on a couple descent movies, twenty years ago. The other people you named were nothing but spoiled nepotism brats who only trash like.
Might I add Olivia Rodrigo, Taylor Swift, and that fat fuck trash motherfucker with the manequin looking wife Jelly Roll to the list. anonymous 7 hours ago
And Pete fucking Davidson. Ugly, smug, untalented fuckwad who I could never stand. He is everything wrong with Saturday Night Live and the state of modern comedy. Kenan Thompson sucks too. Fuck, I also can't stand Dave Chappelle anymore, all he does is smoke while telling one-sided sob stories. anonymous 6 hours ago
Totally forgot about pete davidson, you are right. But the fact that I forgot him just proves how insignificant that junkie piece of shit is. The only reason he got famous and stayed in SNL is because he played that "mental illness" card to the fucking bone. And he is friends with that cuckold Colin Jost, also unfunny and totally hires black guys to fuck Scarlett Johanson while he jerks off in the corner. voteforpedro 6 hours ago
I'll add the band Led Zeppelin, the most overrated band of all time anonymous 6 hours ago
nope, not Pete Davidson cause Nobody ever liked him that much, he was just in the news cause he fucked hotties at that time anonymous 6 hours ago
Led Zeppelin, good one. I can hear that whiny ass loud song of theirs the one that goes "MUH NUH NUH NUH... NUH NUH NUHHHHHHHHH. MMUMUMUM UUM MUHHHH MUHHH NAN AN NANAAN NAAA." When I worked at a pizza place, this cunt came in wearing a Led Zeppelin shirt, and I always associate the band with her. anonymous 6 hours ago
finally someone i can agree with, i would also add taylor swift to the post if i were you jayden :3 6 hours ago
7 Rant Comments
Might I add Olivia Rodrigo, Taylor Swift, and that fat fuck trash motherfucker with the manequin looking wife Jelly Roll to the list.
anonymous 7 hours ago
anonymous 6 hours ago
voteforpedro 6 hours ago
anonymous 6 hours ago
anonymous 6 hours ago
anonymous 6 hours ago
jayden :3 6 hours ago