The GOP hardliners keep saying that Volodymyr Zelenskyy should be grateful. That's pretty crazy. He, and his country should be - but not too them. The Magas have been on Russia's side of this conflict since day one of the war, and are still very chummy with Vladimir Putin; especially Donald Trump, (and of course his horde of Maga minions). The only people Zelenskyy and his countrymen should be thankful to is western Europe, and the U.S. citizens and politicians (mostly demorats, and some non-maga middle of the aisle republicans who have fought to support the Ukraine defend against the villainous Russian invasion. And they have been grateful.
So the Magas should quit pointing fingers at those with gratitude direct to the people they owe gratitude to(not the Magas). And instead should find some gratitude within themselves. For the things in life the life they are lucky enough to have. They say that a fool and his money are soon parted. Not true, poor people usually burn through their money whether they are frugal or not. And rich people can make countless financial blunders and still remain quite wealthy. But gratitude is different. People who lack gratitude are far more likely to lose the things they hold the closest. And I'm an expert on this because I am a benefactor, to more than a few people. So you can trust me when I say that it is the ingrate, who owes the most gratitude, who is destined to lose the most and pay the highest and most ironic price.
Or as it was said in Rob Roy by the Duke of Argyle(to the wicked James Graham,4rth Marquess of Montrose),"Do not think that all sins go unpaid in this life Montrose". And as yes spoiler alert (if you haven't seen the movie. Montrose learns that the Duke's words are, for lack of a better word - incredibly accurate. But I guess that's how the dominoes usually fall - right?
Best Wishes to those on the right side of things - to those who aren't - you should really watch Rob Roy, allot of life lessons in there.
Chris H Seattle, Wa.Political March 04, 2025 at 10:18 pm10
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