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You lost, we won, blah, blah, blah...

You lost, we won, blah, blah, blah...

No. YOU sister-fucking zombie hate cult lost too only you're way too stupid to realize that. Enjoy no severe weather warnings, enjoy no FEMA, enjoy no safety net programs if you ever need one, enjoy plane crashes, enjoy even higher health care costs, enjoy having your FICA taxes being stolen from you and enjoy unaffordable cars, gasoline, clothes, electronics and groceries costs. Enjoy the $15 avocado and the $3 tomato!
anonymous Political March 05, 2025 at 1:42 pm 4
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7 Rant Comments
Cultist calling the other side a cult. Hypocrits can never see themselves
anonymous 9 hours ago
^ Sorry Einstein. Liberals do not worship politicians. We don't dress up like idiots and we don't goosestep behind a latter day Hitler.
anonymous 9 hours ago
^In other words you have nothing to reply with, little Chuckums. You ARE scared, and really regretting your MAGA vote. I'm not asking if you do, I KNOW you do. But you are too chickenshit even to admit that.

Go in the corner and keep your mouth closed, Chuckums. The grownups are talking, trying to figure our if there is even a slim chance in hell left of reversing this course to doom we are on.
anonymous 9 hours ago
^Shit. The "Chuckums" reply is to this: "Cultist calling the other side a cult. Hypocrits can never see themselves"
anonymous 9 hours ago
In other words you have nothing to reply with, blah, blah, blah...

I did, but it didn't agree with you so it was nothing to you. And regarding your 'regretting your MAGA vote' lie clearly indicates that you are wholly divorced from reality. You and your meaningless irrelevant insults just portrays a loser.

Isn't your cigarette break over? Those groceries won't bag themselves.
anonymous 9 hours ago
God bless the Emperor Trump and his Grande Duke Mussk!
anonymous 7 hours ago
Goddamn "Emperor" Fat Hitler, goddamn "Grande Duke" Elmo Hitler and most of all, goddamn subservient, oligarch shit-eating Francis and his dozens of goddamned aliases.
anonymous 6 hours ago
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