I’m a 32f and husband is 34m. We have been married 8 years this Spring. Been together 11 years.
Over the past year we have done marriage counseling and individual counseling. I want nothing more to love, be affectionate, and sexually pleasing to my husband. In fact have been begging for the simplest physical contact. Yet we keep growing further apart weekly at this point.
I’m willing to anything he wants and yet I barely get a kiss. I feel so alone in this marriage. He is not interested in doing anything with me. Haven’t been on a date in at least 6 months. I got him a valentine and he didn’t even think of me. Doesn’t look at me at all lingerie or nude. I’m on the verge of just leaving. I feel so unwanted, undesired, and unloved.
MeganDating March 05, 2025 at 8:09 pm20
Please don't throw more good time against bad. Get out of this failed marriage and start fresh. I know that is easier said than done, but nothing will change another 8 years from now and you'll be 40 then. Please do yourself a favor and walk away. anonymous 8 hours ago
This is the commonality for a lot of relationships. I'd suggest leaving too. The guy sounds like a retarded loser. Probably plays Call of Duty and mindlessly watches the same Family Guy reruns. anonymous 7 hours ago
And I'm a guy around your age BTW. That guy sounds like a fucking loser. Here I am basically trying again with the female equivalent of what you're talking about on dating apps. Retards suck. They do nothing but consume mindless pop culture, junk food, and drink. anonymous 7 hours ago
3 Rant Comments
anonymous 8 hours ago
anonymous 7 hours ago
anonymous 7 hours ago