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i genuinely can't do this anymore

i genuinely can't do this anymore

(currently tweaking out and I genuiunely need a place to write things so here it is)
i literallt can't i can't do this anmore i can't
i genuninely want to die
i want to kill myself
i understand now why people commit suicide
i used to think theyre stupid and yes theyre stupid but i get it
i honestly get it
all this stress is my fault and im a coward and i want to run away and die just so i can just get away from everything and the disappointment and the failure and the fucking fucking fuck shit fuck.
i know i have depression or some stupid ass mental disorder i know but i literally can't
i dont have the time i can't deal with this anymore i wish i could go back in time and restart life or just DIE please oh my god if someone gave me a painless-death-pill i would genuinely consider taking it. its that bad. i can't do this and its not even something to pity myself for because its all my fault and the fact that im a coward and im dumb and im stupid and i never learn from my lessons and i stress out everyone i love around me and i can't do anything right why can't i just life a deadbeat life stuck in my room rotting and being a disappointment to everyone why the fuck cna't i just do that why do i have to do be born in afamily that doesnt let that happen why why why the fuck. why can't i be like my friends whose ONLY worries are about if their scones burned. if their scones burned. girl i wish the fuck thhat my only worry was about if i baked properly. literaly i love you but fuck you oh my god i can't do this anymore i want to choke myself nad die i need a break my body and mind and mental state and emotional wellbeing cannot survive this i am currently crashing out and wasting my time by WRITING THIS DUMBASS SHIT when i should be working on much more important tthings but i do i can't i can't no matter how much shit i am in i still can't do anything to save it what the fuk what fhte fuck what the fuck whathf htuehgeuishfhguirhuigeriuhghouagpragihruqgrhup32r8u429hhufqwuhipegriuhgresihugiser.
LK School March 06, 2025 at 3:13 am 0
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