Will you just stop? No one likes you. No one likes how you have to go on to every fucking employee on how they aren't doing things the right way, and how your way is the only way.
Is it pitiful and pathetic how you fucking write lists for the boss. How you want to play yourself off as unofficial boss, and basically have it to where the boss can take the fall, and you call all the shots. This isn't the fucking Sopranos here and doesn't run that deep. We are at a job that'd be so much better if you didn't do your shit.
Let the place supposedly fall apart. You act like it'd be chaos without you there, get whenever you aren't, things are 1000x easier. It's amazing what being at work without being micromanaged to fuck does. All you fucking do is get onto people and I wish you'd stop.
anonymousWork March 05, 2025 at 11:10 am00
REPORT, report all who show even the faintest capacity for dis-loyalty or dis-obedience or non-approved thinking..Report family members, report friends, report strangers...report them all so we can be rid of them and become grate. anonymous 10 hours ago
2 Rant Comments
anonymous 10 hours ago
anonymous 9 hours ago