I understand now to live like a self-destructive retard I basically have to become incredibly arrogant and stubborn. So much so, that I must always give into instant gratification, no matter what the ramifications are. I also must truly believe that I am too smart to ever learn a different way of doing anything.
If I live like this, I can be retarded forever. I will get to live far beyond my means, and always remain poor. Blowing $1000+ a month on junk food, and not even noticing it. I also will get to buy smut and alcohol and yummy chemical tasting vapes flavored after cotton candy. I can vape while playing PS5. Nothing gets a woman's motor running more than a man who ignores them to play the1280983th Call of Duty/Madden game.
I will soon get to sheepishly watch and immediately forget about whatever mindless sitcoms and movies I spent the majority of my day consuming. I'll also pay out the ass to attend concerts of people I don't even like or know anything about. Fun fun fun.
I don't know if I'm going to get a Cybertruck or a new Ford/Chevy. I got to get a big truck, which means I got a big pea pea. I can ride behind cars and throw my hands up so they can see it in their rearview mirror. I can immediately shift into the other lane the second a light turns green, and do all of the self-absorbed assholish things guys in trucks tend to do. I'll take the muffler off so everyone can hear me.
I also need to start destroying my property. I can start leaving dishes around so there will be a smell/bugs. I leave old rusted bicycles, bottles, broken wooden crates, and all the other shit white trash leave sitting around, all over my yard and make my home have that smell that's like ass and cigarettes that white trash tend to ruminate in.
I'll get to be responsible for 90%+ of my problems, too retarded to make the changes needed to have a stable life, and then bitch and cry about how hard I've got it. But don't worry, I'll be rich. Lottery tickets and sports betting apps will make me a millionaire. I'll talk all the time about high school, try to live vicariously through athletes, and then bet away money to get parlays that won't happen. Then I'll throw screaming fits when I lose and swear how I'm done, then ten seconds later be back at it.
Being retarded is gonna be fon.
anonymousOther January 28, 2025 at 2:18 pm11
Don't forget energy drinks. Retards spend AT LEAST $40 a week on that shit. You need the energy for the 18 hour Call of Duty, porn binges. anonymous 1 day ago
You gotta start quoting Talladega Nights everyday, everywhere. CONSTANTLY make references to overdone pop culture things, you'll be life of the room.
"Run Forrest run"
"Ya ain't first you're last" Ricky Bobby 1 day ago
OOH-OOH!! ANOTHER ONE!! Make sure, and you can start on this site because it's MAD EASY to do, go onto a rant ASAP and if there's nothing written, type FIRST!! THEN you'll ALSO be that much closer to fully transitioning to pure retardation!! FUCK INTELLIGENCE!! YAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!! anonymous 1 day ago
4 Rant Comments
anonymous 1 day ago
anonymous 1 day ago
"Run Forrest run"
"Ya ain't first you're last"
Ricky Bobby 1 day ago
anonymous 1 day ago