(NOT DETAILED ENOUGH) ok so it's my first time here so bare with me. There's is this guy who I really like, but there are some odds. He is a freshman in high, and I'm a junior in high.. so its like a 2 yr age gap. We hang out a lot during 5th period since that is the only class I have with him this yr. We are really good friends. Then we had a dance like 2 weeks ago.. the next day after the dance..he sends me a text saying I looked fire last night.. LIKE BRO. But then just yesterday, I told my friends to go walk with me around the school during lunch, right? so we walk around, and as soon as we pass by where he sits with his group of friends (mostly girls and barely any boys btw) and I see that a girl is grabbing on him by the arm while he is playing on his phone...my heart shattered.. like I started tearing in front of my friends..5th period started and he tried talking to me but I was dry with him, which was unusual of me. During class, he tried to bring my mood up. I kind of played along but not really. Class ended and we walked out together. Then a group of white girls stopped up to him and asked for copy of hw. I walked away without saying a bye or anything. 6th period started and he sends me a text "guess what..chicken butt" lol. I told my male friends to help me and they told me to ask if he was ok and to say that he looked uncomfortable during lunch. he replied with "I wasn't uncomfortable but I js have shit going on" I offered my help if he ever needed it. that was it until he texted me a hi later after school. I guess we cool but I'm so confused of what is going on, my friend told me to go straight forward and ask so I can get a clear vision or something like that. But idk... this crush is bad yet I like him and idkk, I fear now that every time I walk pass his friend group, I will be seeing her be so touchy with him.. I'm scared now and I don't want to keep tearing up every time because i just want to see him... if anyone has any tips or ideas, I don't mind you sending them on discord!! @yoyosourpatvh thanks y'all baii!!! (NOT DETAILED ONCE AGAIN, SO IF YOU ACTUALLY ADD ME, I WILL SEND THE DETAILED STORY)
anonymousCrushes March 23, 2025 at 1:34 am00
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