Then that's on you. You shouldn't have taken out money you don't have, to buy an overpriced, shit car that costs as much as a house. It's like a bulky, ugly, Delorean and you can buy a Delorean for less. No one thinks Cybertrucks are cool anymore. There was an inital novelty right as people were first getting them, like "Wow. I saw these on the internet, never thought I'd see one in real life" and that quickly faded once every douchebag on the road had one.
And then the ugly ass custom decals they put on there. Always an American flag, or some really bad font advertising your business. There's a liquor store near me, where one of the employees has a fucking Cybertruck. Which that's real great. In a really slummy area, they got a fucking Cybertruck. And I see all the Reddit posts of people bitching about people in the projects having one. Assholes abusing the system and living large despite being "poor" on paper, they always have designer brands, and you better fuckin believe eat fast food every night.
Cybertrucks? More like Cybercunts.
anonymousOther March 25, 2025 at 1:46 pm30
^The douches owning it and the designers. It's like they took the Delorean, removed most of the detailing like it's meant to go into a polygonal racing game with no texture mapping from 1990, and made it all fat. anonymous 14 hours ago
You can buy a real Delorean for less money. You would literally save around 40,000 getting a a real Delorean. Why in the holy mother of fuck would you buy an ugly ass Cybertruck over one of those? All it is, is an overpriced, cheap imitation of the Delorean. Marty McFly 14 hours ago
"Pologonal racing game with no texture mapping from 1990" Hard Drivin. The cars on there do look like Cybertrucks. LOL. AVGN 14 hours ago
Why aren’t there right wing MAGAtards in the comment section defending the Swasticars? Henry 13 hours ago
I wonder how much more the resell value is going to tank. Supposedly, if you bought a Cybertruck you were supposed to wait 2 years to sell it. And yet, I'm seeing Cybertrucks for sale. Right now, during tax refund time I'm seeing some for around the 80,000-85,000 range, which isn't great given how they were over 100,000. I'm going to guess more people will unload theres, and probably the used sticker price will be around 40,000 after the next year or two. Retards will probably brag about getting one for $10,000 cash. These things are basically like the 2020s version of the Hummer. anonymous 13 hours ago
LOL Carfax is full of them. Over 100 ATM, and I'm seeing plenty of gaudy decals on them. Damn, people are stupid. anonymous 13 hours ago
Boycott unelected president Elmo Hitler's pretentious Swasticars. If you already have one, get rid of it. If not, you deserve whatever happens to it. anonymous 10 hours ago
Oh look,people who lost an election anonymous 8 hours ago
Good old folks know that buying and having signature banner stuff is just as good as pretend knowing what they mean and easier, tew. Get y'alls GRU size is all it takes anonymous 7 hours ago
No. Not "people who lost an election" but rather people (Democrats and Rethuglicans) who lost their jobs, lost essential safety net programs and lost from the THEFT from EARNED benefit Social Security so unelected president Elmo Hitler can have his oligarch $4,500,000,000,000 tax cut. anonymous 6 hours ago
11 Rant Comments
anonymous 14 hours ago
anonymous 14 hours ago
Marty McFly 14 hours ago
AVGN 14 hours ago
Henry 13 hours ago
anonymous 13 hours ago
anonymous 13 hours ago
anonymous 10 hours ago
anonymous 8 hours ago
anonymous 7 hours ago
anonymous 6 hours ago