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If you you think declawing is okay I hate you

If you you think declawing is okay I hate you

If you are worried about your fancy furniture getting scratched up, DON'T GET A CAT. Before mutuallating a poor helpless animal that doesn't know any better maybe try something differnt. They make nail caps, they make scratching posts, they make protective covers for furniture. Why on earth would you just go staright to putting the animal through unnecessary pain. Literally look for an older cat that has already been declawed, don't take home a kitten and get mad that it scratches and then mutuallate the poor thing.
anonymous Other January 23, 2023 at 5:37 pm 0
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i agree. it's fucking awful. i would rather have my cat destroy shit rather than do that to them. people see pets as something they own, and not a family member. some soulless assholes do not deserve pets. like how about you raise the fucking thing right rather than going straight to ripping out the only thing they have to defend themselves. fucking people dude i swear. it's too normalized.
anonymous 2 years ago
Declawing a cat is the same chopping a human's fingertips off, so yes it is incredibly cruel and anyone who thinks declawing is okay and calls themselves a cat lover deserves to be dragged into the street and shot.
anonymous 2 years ago
You doopey anti-religion liberals just dont get it that WE is in POWER NOW. Cats, womens, teaechers, dogs, trux an womens is to do as they is told and that are that. We de-clawed y'all PLENTY.
HARLEY 2 years ago
^^ Please be hit by a truck driven by an ugly American just like you. And then have the ugly American drive off a cliff.
anonymous 2 years ago
^ ^ ^ ANON! Well said.
The hood up gang cant spell ayn rand but have been fed huge barrels of pureed auto aggression and meee meee exhaust proteins and scrambled gerrymander taters.
anonymous 2 years ago
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