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Life sucks. It doesnt end

Life sucks. It doesnt end

I'm so tired. When does it end????????????????????????????????????? I hate this. Life sucks. I want to transfer to a new school but i cant seem to escape this hell. Ive been praying a LOTT. Why is God not listening to me? Is God enjoying my sufferings? Why can't I have this one thing??!!! MY LIFE SUCKS A LOT AND I WANT TO KILL MYSELF. no but seriously. Im going to kill myself if im going back to that school. I hate that school so much. I cant handle it anymore. Dear my parents, enjoy being childless starting next month. fuckinghate this school. and life. and god.
anonymous School July 27, 2024 at 1:02 am 1
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1 Rant Comment
Tbh I underhow ut feels like that
anonymous 1 month ago
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