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If you see this, fuck you

If you see this, fuck you

This divide between 2 sexes Men and Women is a stupid kind of war. Just fuck all of you, really. You got a dick, a vagina, you identify as neither I don't fucking care get the hell away from me and all your petty bullshit. I'm literally so sick of all of you it's making me have acid reflux.

Everything and anyone is shitty, it's a fact. Most men are and most women are shitty. No one is shittier than the other, there's 7 fucking billion people in the world, sex is divided equally and you're saying sex matters if people are shitty. There's data, I know, but it doesn't matter because it's bullshit now. And why does it matter so much to you anyways? You have a mental illness, a personality disorder, a complex, or some kind of mentality passed on to you from generational trauma, fuck off then that's probably why.

We're all organic sentient living beings here and if you're stuck on hating the opposite sex so much it's nagging at the corner of your brain or becoming your part-time job then you're a fucking retard, an idiot, an immature foetus, that's what you are. God, talk to me about how "Men are fucking predators" or how "Women are stupid bitches" and I'll stab you in the eye. Fucking try me.

So you guys want equality? Fuck that, in this economy? Where everyone's power hungry and money greeding fucks? There's no room for your so called equality in the middle of this crisis dystopian modern time we're living in where it's survival of the fittest and natural selection for both sex and for all people.

So don't bitch to me about how women have it less than men or how you think women have it easier than men, it may be true but I dont fucking care. I'm a woman, but I'm still gonna kill the next guy or gal who screws me over just because I have a clit. No misogynistic bullshit there. An asshole is an asshole whether or not you have 2 or 3 penetrative holes in your body. Men have shit and do shit, of course Women have shit and do shit too, minus the biological aspect of the shit.

So if you think feminists are bad, there's male equivalents of those people too. Its the same with incels, there's girl versions of it too and they're not worse, they're just as bad. It's not that hard to think about, jesus christ. I suck, you suck, everyone sucks in a way we're all capable of oral sex. Dipshits.
anonymous Other May 05, 2024 at 1:29 am 1
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Hi Miss I apologise on behalf of men for how you feel but you answered it yourself. It's Facebook propaganda it's like crack intended to agitate you at any cost so you get hooked on Facebook they make you curious by upsetting you even if it upend society. So really it's not all men or women but many get caught in the vicious crack trap of destruction to support the Facebook oligarchy just liberality TV they are trying to shock and upset you to get you hooked. I apologise to you for what they have done. They are evildelete Facebook is the best solution
anonymous 2 weeks ago
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