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i want this stupid fucking dog dead.

i want this stupid fucking dog dead.

i don’t give a fuck what you think, i’m so close to just killing my fucking dog. my dumbass mom thought it was a good idea to get a fucking dog and it WASNT. this dumbass TERRORIZES me every fucking day and every day i have to resist the urge to throw the bitch off my balcony, or to drown it in my pool, or to just fucking kill it myself. i have 2 cats that this bitch is the absolute WORST to, and i’m so fucking fed up. i may sound like some dumbass kid who just doesn’t like our dog, but fucking no one does. it’s ugly, it fucking stinks even after we give it baths, my mom is always fucking yelling at it, and the only person who likes the bitch is my stepdad. we have a shock collar for the dog that has a remote for a beeping/ringing noise, a vibration, a shock, and a worse shock. every time this dumbass pisses me off and i’m alone, i put the dumb bitch in its crate with the collar and double shock it until i’m over it. i want it gone or dead. i don’t care what happens as long as it’s never in my fucking life again. maybe i am a stupid kid that just doesn’t like our dog, but i want him dead one way or another before i do it myself.
anonymous Home May 15, 2024 at 6:26 pm 23
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9 Rant Comments
Terrorizes you? Grow the fuck up you childish cunt...cunt...cunt...It is a fucking dog, and reacts dependant on how it is treated, but a cunt like you is too fucking stupid to grasp that none of this is the dogs fault...cunt...
Ainslee 5 months ago
The poor dog, found itself amongst a family cunts and assholes like you lot, I feel sad for it having to put up with fucking shit for brains assholes like you and your shit box family...I wish I could report your whole family for animal absolute twat.
Jason 5 months ago
I would love to see someone put the shock collar around your dick, crank it up to maximum, and press it every 30 seconds for an hour. Then I want to see you hung upside-down by one ankle with barbed wire and slathered in fruit juice to attract every bug in a 30 mile radius to devour you tiny bite by bite.
anonymous 5 months ago
I would love to see your dad get a forced castration by Ramsay Bolton so that he can't bring crotch Goblins of shit like you into the world.
anonymous 5 months ago
You reek worse than dog stinkhorn, your soul has more puss on it than a man with full body gangrene, you are more obnoxious than 1000 church bells ringing at once, and the only place you belong when you die is the bottom layer of Hell.
anonymous 5 months ago
You can find a solution to your dog problem at the Auto Zone.
anonymous 5 months ago
I am glad this asshole is getting roasted for this shitty post.
Glenn 5 months ago
Op can find a solution to put themself out of their own miserable existence at Auto Zone.
anonymous 5 months ago
Poor dog, just find him a better home you stupid bitch. That dog is innocent. You're the problem, instead of killing ur dog just do it to urself
umoron 5 months ago
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