best dating

you are a fucking idiot

you are a fucking idiot

If you think that I am not going to complain about your invasion of my privacy you are a fucking idiot!

If you think that I cannot complain about your invasion of my privacy you are an even bigger fucking idiot!

If you think that my complaints about your intrusion upon my privacy proves that I give a damn about some motherfucking bitch you are the biggest fucking idiot of all!

If you think that I am pressing my luck by complaining about your invasion of my privacy you are an absolute motherfucking imbecile!

If you think that the things I say and do in my own home prove you correct about anything you are an absolute motherfucking moron!

If you think that I have to tolerate a motherfucking bag of fucking shit like you invading my privacy you are asmotherfucking stupid as they come!

If you think that I give a fucking damn about your reasons for invading my privacy you are one pethetically stupid bag of fucking shit!

If you think that I am going to listen to your motherfucking girl bullshit when I know damned fucking well that there was no fucking bitch and that I damned well do not want a motherfucking bitch you are one incredibly fucking stupid piece of fucking shit!

If you think that I'm going to give a damn that you're telling me I can't get a bitch when I am telling you in no uncertain terms that I do not want a fucking bitch you are the stupidest thing alive!

You are a motherfucking psychopathy stalker! And there's not a fucking chance that any allegation that you make is even close to beimng true. And nothing that you have said historically has ever fucking turned out to be true!

You are a fucking piece of shit psychopathy stalker who has accused me of everything in the fucking book! You are a worthless motherfucking total piece of fucking trash! And if you think that I am ever going to back down from a fight with a motherfucking pathetic psychopathy stalking imbecile you are sadly fucking mistaken!

None of your allegations are true! And I am not "outing myself" because none of what you are telling me is all in my head is actually all in my head! You are invading my fucking privacy! You are a piece of fucking shit psychopathy stalker! I do not give a fucking damn about you! I do not give a fucking damn about any motherfucking twat that a fucking pathetic fucking loser like YOU says I want!

And I am not a fucking pedophile! Try again, you psychopathy stalking fucking moron!

And I am not a predator/stalker! Try again, you psychopathy stalking fucking moron!

And I am not mentally ill either! Try, try again, you motherfucking psychopathy stalking fucking moron!

And I am not a liar and I am not lying! Try again, you motherfucking braindead psychopathy stalking fucking loser!

And I am not big brother either! Get a fucking clue, you motherfucking absolute psychopathy stalking fucking imbecile!

Good fucking luck, you psychopathy stalking motherfucking braindead fucking loser!

Lollygag on my fucking ass, you motherfucking worthless piece of psychopathy stalking shit!

You aren't getting away with a fucking thing, you fucking LOSER!


And I can count, you fucking loser! ZERO! ZERO, you fucking bitch! ZERO! ZERO is how many fucking cunts that I have been interested in my life! ZERO is the amount of interest I have in the fucking twats! ZERO is how much truth there is in your fucking bullshit narrative! ZERO is the amount of truth in your bullshit allegations! ZERO is how much I give a fucking damn about you! ZERO is the amount of evidence you have to support your bullshit allegations! ZERO is the amount of intelligence a worthless psychopathy stalking fucking loser like you has! ZERO is how much you are right about anything! ZERO is how much I give a fucking damn about you!

And I know that someone even as motherfucking stupid as you can count to ZERO, bitch!

william Other October 17, 2024 at 11:00 pm 0
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