best dating


so in my class im friends with these 3 girls, we have one small class and a big class, in the big class i have another friend. so 2 of these girls im friends with in the small class are best friends, lets call them girl 1 and girl 2 and the one in the big class we can call girl 3. so we met girl 3 a while ago and her and girl 1 were so close, they’d always hang out everyday and sit together in class and they’d always talk about eachother. after math yesterday they pulled me aside and asked if I like girl 3 (platonically) and I said of course she’s really nice. they gave each other a look and then walked away, in art they were saying that they’re annoyed at girl 3 because in social studies she wouldn’t swap seats with her to let her charge her device (school owned) and they said she was just fake. (they haven’t explained how she’s fake) and today they were talking bad about her and telling her that they didn’t want to be friends. and I really want to be on girl 1’s side but I just don’t understand why she’s mad? I get she could be annoyed but ending a friendship with someone she wouldn’t stop talking about? yesterday I was thinking about telling her that they’re mad at her cause I want them to be friends again but I never go the opportunity to, today they said that i was a snitch and a rat (I never told her) I’ve sort of made up with them but I want to be friends with girl 3, she’s really funny and kind and maybe a little rude sometimes but in a funny way. I really hope she’s not mad at me. how do I maintain both friendships while supporting both people?
anonymous Friends October 25, 2024 at 12:22 pm 0
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