I wish my brother was raised on different religion
Nobody knows the depth of offense that brother has said in the past ~2 years of time.
It is so obscene I cant even say it without violating other's minds.
I wish he was never raised as a Christian oriented dude. I wish he was raised as a devout Buddhist or something else that had no Jewish, Christian, Muslim/Islam, or subset or such ties to it.
I wish I could get the phrase out of my mind that he said in May or June this year.
The previous time he said it, it took a ton of months to go away.
I want my mind back. ~~No~~ amount of vengeance upon him could even get cure my condition.
The only thing is that, I could imagine that he may say it again!
I would rather win the millions and pay to send him off to a permanent care facility or farm that would take him for the rest of his life.
All hail our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins, so that through him we may return to our heavenly father. Ruination 4 hours ago
2 Rant Comments
anonymous 7 years ago
Ruination 4 hours ago