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I wish my brother was raised on different religion

I wish my brother was raised on different religion

Nobody knows the depth of offense that brother has said in the past ~2 years of time.

It is so obscene I cant even say it without violating other's minds.

I wish he was never raised as a Christian oriented dude. I wish he was raised as a devout Buddhist or something else that had no Jewish, Christian, Muslim/Islam, or subset or such ties to it.

I wish I could get the phrase out of my mind that he said in May or June this year.
The previous time he said it, it took a ton of months to go away.

I want my mind back. ~~No~~ amount of vengeance upon him could even get cure my condition.

The only thing is that, I could imagine that he may say it again!
I would rather win the millions and pay to send him off to a permanent care facility or farm that would take him for the rest of his life.

anonymous Religion August 07, 2018 at 3:08 am 2
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2 Rant Comments
You sound mental
anonymous 7 years ago
All hail our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins, so that through him we may return to our heavenly father.
Ruination 4 hours ago
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