So I’m dating someone. She seemed really cool at first; artsy, open, expressive, vibrant. Those things are all true, but the more time we spend together, the more I see her other qualities. She’s extremely self centred and acts like the world revolves around her; she expects perfection from herself and others and drops people like hot potatoes when they don’t meet her unrealistic standards; she frames herself as the victim in every situation, even when she is the one who instigates a fight and purposefully hurts someone else’s feelings; I shit you not, every single day there is something wrong. Sometimes it’s big stuff like getting her car towed or missing the bus to work (which objectively suck), and other times it’s little stuff like how much she hates one of her uni classes. It’s healthy to get that shit off your chest, and I think that’s part of the security of having a partner to talk to, but fuck me dog, can we try to be positive for two fucking seconds? Can we start the day with an open mind instead of texting me, “good morning… well, good is rich. This is going to suck,” EVERY SINGLE DAY?? And then she complains that I don’t talk about myself enough, but she doesn’t give me any space to talk! We once spent a long weekend together (about 72 hours), and at the end, she said with a surprised tone, “wow, I think you’ve said a total of 10 sentences the whole weekend.” Like yeah!! You didn’t stop talking long enough for me to form a thought!! And even when she asks me a question as an attempt to engage, she either 1) interrupts me before I’m done talking and then carries on as if I hadn’t said anything at all, or 2) keeps on talking about why she wanted to ask the question and then not actually let me answer/ speak at all. And before you’re like, “it sounds like she has adhd!” She doesn’t. She’s been assessed. She has other mental health stuff going on, but it’s not adhd. And also, I have adhd and I’m not a bitter, mean, selfish jerk so.
As I write this, it’s clear to me I don’t actually like this person. I need to end it.
Bug Relationships February 26, 2025 at 9:47 am02
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