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I’m Brittany and this is my sick story

I’m Brittany and this is my sick story

My husband is a good man but I feel absolutely disgusted by him. I wanted someone to marry and have kids with as well as to be an provider. I knew the men I was sleeping with weren’t those kind of men who would make a good husband or father for my children. You really just can’t have your cake and eat it too unfortunately when it comes to men. Men are very black and white unlike women who fall into gray areas. Where we can be a lot fun in the bedroom but also a good wife as well as a mom.
I’ve just never personally met a man who can be both except in my fantasies.

Truth is that I cheat on him frequently with tons of other men. Some are men I met at bars, ones the teenager (he’s 18) who mows our lawn shirtless with a six pack, some are his friends, his brother, and lots of other men. Most of these men are absolute turds the only thing they have going for them is they are good in bed as well as young and make me feel young and hot. My husband just never lets me finish. I have to fake it until I make it.

I do fake it. I do plan on leaving him eventually but as far as he knows. I’m a good wife I stay home. I cook. I clean. I take care of the kids and really do all the work I’m supposed to do according to him. Truth is, my life is easy. I feel ashamed sometimes to be a stay at home mom I had dreams and goals. But I decided I would be better focusing on my kids and myself. Not working dead end crappy jobs being married
to someone who has no real ambition in life.

I’m turned off and I’m as dry as a popcorn fart. I just try to keep him happy I feel bad. But what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. The worst thing I did was….

The thought of having a baby with him has always disgusted me. He’s a good dad but I just don’t want his genes passed down to my children as messed up as it seems. I slept with his doctor after our old dog bit him in the balls. It didn’t ruin his chances of having children but the doctor had given him the old snip snip. A extra stitch which essentially Castrated him. It’s like a vasectomy but worse.

Since then he’s been complaining and bitching all the time. We have five children and none of them are his.
anonymous Relationships March 17, 2025 at 9:18 pm 2
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3 Rant Comments
I sense this is a copy paste troll post.
anonymous 8 hours ago
probly susan
anonymous 6 hours ago
^ NO. Not Susan. She's weird alright, but not married. She is just a harmless pest. Not evil, just weird. I'm not crazy about her, but I certainly do not hate her.
anonymous 4 hours ago
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