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old people are retarded

old people are retarded

Like my God, did they have it easy in those days.

I tried to talk to a relative about how I was blown off for a job interview on Labor Day once. They started asking if I knew what day that was, how maybe I got the date wrong, how maybe the place was testing me to see if I really wanted the job to see if I'd come back.

Or, trying to talk about relationship things. THey think it's as easy as it is on Friends or one of those bullshit shows. It's not.

They can't drive.

They always go on about ass whoopins. how that is the answer to everything. if so, why did you turn out so retarded? and why do you act 1000X worse than someone who maybe wasn't hit with a "switch" and call it a motherfucking stick, that's what it is. Not a Nintendo Switch. God, I hate old people.

anonymous Other March 18, 2025 at 3:56 am 1
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Be aware that the New Kingdom and the Emperor and the Duke have decreed that being aged, being sick, being poor are all being disloyal...ALL ARE APOSTATE and are deportable offenses,
anonymous 9 hours ago
You young whipper snappers think you know it all, you don't know jack. You think your little whiz games and social media is the real world, it ain't. You have no social skills, no horse sense; as a matter of fact, I don't know how you get through the day. You couldn't get yourself out of a wet paper bag.
Frank 4 hours ago
That paper bag is wet and disintegrating because Frank jerked himself off one too many times with it.
anonymous 3 hours ago
Go back to 1967 and bring back more paper bags will you? Everything is plastic now.
anonymous 3 hours ago
ask them to read an analog clock or write a paper check and watch the meltdown of insults fly about your age
funny how everything results in insults when a persons lack of knowledge has light shined upon it
anonymous 1 hour ago
"the.Emperor and the Duke"

Fuck you, Francis. And while I'm at it, fuck you OP.
anonymous 48 minutes ago
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