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Online Dating Anonymous

Online Dating Anonymous

Hello, my name is (screeching sound from Kill Bill when she tries to say her name) and I'm an online dater.

Hi, (screech).

I have been using online dating apps off and on for about the last year and a half, but often for about the past six months. The reason I did it, was because I wanted to actually find someone who I could have a loving connection with.

There had been this deep void within me for over a decade. It started when I began to grow uncertain of my first love and if she really cared. I thought finding "love" was the solution. With enough reflection, I finally came to understand what it was.

My family never loved me. My situation with my first love was the closest I ever came to real love from another person. So, it was like, to make it right, I thought I needed to find someone. What I really needed to do was grieve that there was no fixing that part of my past. I may find a relationship some day, but it's not going to give me what I so desperately needed in my formative years. Since understanding and grieving that, the void is gone, and the grief lessens whenever this subject comes to mind.

Now, I find myself really disinterested in online dating. I'm not going to meet anyone this way. Most of the people on there don't even know what they want, and just think a boy/girlfriend will make up for their lack of character. I thought it'd fill a void that NO ONE not even my first love would have been able to fill. And upon finally working past that, I'm just thinking like what the hell am I doing on the app?

So, I'll likely deactivate my account. It's just nice walking around without that fucking void that I really never thought I'd get over.

.......Thanks for sharing...Anyone else?
anonymous Dating March 18, 2025 at 3:18 am 0
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I'll share. I uh, guess I can say I relate a lot with (SCREECH). I came onto the apps for the same reason, in looking for love. I don't think most people on there even understand human connection. Like they think a partner is just an accessory, and they act half braindead.

I had a thing with someone from an app. We talked for a bit and it seemed like they were putting in effort which is rare for online dating. They became flaky when it came to actually meeting. It wasn't like it was at a person's house. They were dodgy about meeting at a fucking coffee shop. I entertained it tho thinking there was some connection and this was my time. You know, the shit from the movies.

We met and had our first date. I kind of felt nothing then, then afterward thought it went okay. Mostly small talk. They asked a lot of general questions right off the bat about my profile, like they were skeptical of me. I never claimed to be Bruce Wayne, but they did this.

We ended up going out a few more times and they ghosted me. In hindsight, the whole thing was just boring. They were only so-so looking, not that I'm the greatest catch, but the personality just wasn't there. They were very smart academically, but kind of stupid and naive in every other area. They didn't have good hygiene and drenched themselves in perfume. I never even kissed her and am kind of glad. Like if you like someone, bad breath doesn't fucking matter, but when you really don't and you kiss it's...bleh.

Anyway, I get what you're talking about. In hindsight, we were just wasting time. That's really what online dating is. Forced elevator small talk about stupid shit, OMG YOU LIKE LEGOS!?!?!?!??!? or bad puns. Then you go out for a coffee date and immediately pick up on subtleties that a profile can't give you. Your brain does a lot of work in determining damn near almost instantly upon meeting someone if there's a chance, and it's actually fucking right a lot of the time. So, you dig yourself into an awkward situation and if you're stupid like me, keep it going for a month and a half.

Are there tacos in the hallway?
anonymous 21 hours ago
I'll throw it out there. I wouldn't care if they were half retarded. I wouldn't care if there was a sausage or clam beneath them drawers. I wouldn't care about damn near everything that I normally would, if it was with Kristen Stewart. She is hot as fuck.

What people say about "don't meet your idols" I don't idolize her. I'd want to fuck her tho. I bet it'd be one of those deals where if we hypothetically met, I'd immediately sense there was no way and wouldn't want it to begin with.
anonymous 21 hours ago
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