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I fucking hate everyone

I fucking hate everyone

If everyone on earth would die and I was alone, I wouldn't feel much different than I do right now.

Except I'd be free and fucking happy. I could go outside without wondering if I'm going to have to stab someone in the throat for just going outside lmao.

I could say whatever I want whenever I wanted without some worthless shitbrain loser telling me what to do or say.

I'd be free because law would become obsolete.

I wouldn't be surrounded by stupid fucking racist people or stupid shitty hateful evil people anymore.

I wouldn't ever have to think about marriage or children and how burdensome that whole thing is if I ever make the choice to marry.

I could be....completely, and absolutely free.
I'd have
no need to cry,
no need to try,
no need to worry,
no need to sigh.

There'd be no one to bait me,
no one to hate me,
no one to humiliate me,
no one to rape me.

No more bullshit, no more darkness.

Fuck... sometimes I wish all of you would die and stay away from me.
anonymous Other December 20, 2024 at 5:52 pm 1
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7 Rant Comments
Move to Devon Island. Nobody lives there. You can also commit a crime so horrific that you are placed in solitary confinement.
anonymous 18 hours ago
Yeah the world is full of bigoted shitheads that reek worse than surstromming. I completely agree with you. If only muskrat would take them all with him to his mars colony. They have nothing to offer the world but hatred and pure misery.
anonymous 18 hours ago
Why don't go back seven generations and deport every single bigot back to where their ancestors came from?
anonymous 18 hours ago
We all want a world in which there are no bad people. No sorrow. No tears. It seems perfect. I understand you are upset with the world. However, to wish that on people is dark and cruel. Yes, the world is brutal, but you can make a difference. Start some groups to promote peace, you get it?
TheSigmaHelpGuide 15 hours ago
You can't make peace with people who are brainwashed into hating from a young age. It's imprinted on them to be violent. You can shove a mountain of articles in their face and they'll just dismiss it as 'fake news'. 95% of them can't be reasoned with. Because of them the next generation is doomed to make the same mistakes.
anonymous 14 hours ago
If you scoop out a spoon of the bigots miniscule amount of brain matter and show them its neither black or white I wonder if that would change them. Probably not.
anonymous 14 hours ago
And both Trump and the Heritage Foundation wants to violate personal boundaries and monster people into their way of thinking. Except people aren't going to just bow down and say "Yes, Mr Trump, yes Heritage Foundation. May I lick your boots clean, and perhaps suck your dick?"

But they are going to fuck around and find out. There were already two attempts on Trump, and that United Healthcare CEO got capped in New York, and there are far more people out there ready and willing to do something like this. The Reich wing is playing with fire.
anonymous 5 hours ago
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