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I do not know why it is like this

I do not know why it is like this

When I walk the streets in USA or Canada, men never bother me. I walked on the street at 2 a.m. or 4 a.m. when I was a student - back and forth between the library, lab, and my dorm. When I walk the streets in a different country outside of North America, men start singing songs, stalking, ogling and catcalling even if you are a minor. I never understood why? Law enforcement problem? It is irritating and you cannot react or else you will fall in trouble. Some countries are just unsafe for women.
anonymous Other January 21, 2019 at 10:45 pm 0
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I meant 'walk in the streets' not 'walk the streets'. Walk the streets means 'Prostitution'. I am not walking the streets. Oh Shit!
anonymous 6 years ago
Probably something to do with commuting all the time. American cities are always moving too fast to bother trying to harass women on the street. On the other hand I cannot walk through some suburban neighborhoods without getting stalked and yelled at by gangs.
anonymous 6 years ago
I don't get why men catcall in the first place. I wish I had a shotgun with me so I can shoot whoever catcalls me right in the head and watch his brains explode everywhere. My sister came home one day telling me about a group of guys catcalling her and making disgusting comments I wanted to go out and fucking chop them all up then harvest and sell their organs for some money. Sometimes I wish that society hasn't advanced so much in making murder illegal so that I can just go on a killing spree, kill everyone that catcalls and harasses women but also those women who act victim to their own decisions of walking down the streets at night in their underwear trying to provoke men so they can boast about it later or feed their massive ego. Whores and harassers need to be eliminated.
anonymous 6 years ago
Catcalling needs to stop!!!
anonymous 6 years ago
Catcalling needs to stop. 3rd commenter needs a psych evaluation.
Derp 6 years ago
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