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Thank GOD!! Just now, breaking news, a judge reversed that draconic, DESPOTIC order of cessation Trump did. Hopefully Trump gets a coronary from the impotent rage he'll have seeing someone DARE stand up to him. But there'll be junkies obsessed over Trump who'll, despite needing it, will get angry and say THAT'S BLOATED GUBMINT MESSING WIT MUH CARE!!! SHUT IT DOWN!!! DIRTY ASS ILLEGALS USING IT ANYWAY!! I CAN DO WITHOUT!!! Let's see if Trump fights this. This oughtta be entertaining to say the least.
anonymous Political January 28, 2025 at 7:25 pm 0
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3 Rant Comments
we'uns is on bored with gettin out to sea an making the cuntry jus like it warr when mens was mens an sheeps an wimmin knowed what the sound of a zipper done mean.
grabbem there at 19 hours ago
Meh, it's stayed by the judge for Feb 3, and then it will progress up the chain of courts until it gets to the SCOTUS stacked with Trump's justices. Meantime folks get to deal with glitchy sites until if and when the final courts decision on the xo. Nothing really to cheer about, its all part of how he operates: Drop some political policy bomb. The courts get called in dowse the raging flames from it. It rockets
up the chain of courts until getting to the court of last resort which usually favors Trump. Should on the rare occasion it does not, the bomb gets slightly tweaked, tossed again, and it's rinse and repeat ad nauseum until it finally get decide in Trump's favor.
anonymous 16 hours ago
^If AmeriKKKlan HELLthcare wasn't already shit worse than bottom of the barrel already:

"LOUISVILLE, Ky This story began December 1 at 5 p.m. with a phone call to our newsroom from a horrified University Hospital employee. The employee claimed security had just wheeled an elderly woman all the way out to the corner of Hancock and Ali, just off hospital property, dumped the woman out of the wheelchair on the sidewalk and left.

Minutes later, we shot video of her still in a soiled hospital gown and slippers, breathing hard under a blanket placed over her in 36 degree weather. Her stuff was in a bag next to her.

The caller claimed she saw this a lot.

So I started watching, and on December 16 at 7 p.m., 35 degrees outside, I recorded three security guards surrounding an elderly woman with a walker and slowly escorting her out of the emergency room."


"It’s hardly news that some hospitals have engaged in “patient dumping,” the egregious practice of discharging homeless patients and simply dropping them off on the streets of skid row. Patient dumping made headlines in Los Angeles nearly a decade ago"..."it’s extremely troubling to learn that it is occurring on skid row again. Or perhaps it never completely went away. Homeless advocates say they’re hearing more reports of it, "

AmeriKKKrap, as usual

anonymous 10 hours ago
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