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Get ready for the New World Order

Get ready for the New World Order

Everything is falling into place, and Trump and his gang sowing chaos, fear, and uncertainty in America is just part of the overall plan. It's been in the works for decades now, but it has become accelerated during the past 10 years. Other countries are experiencing their own manipulation and problems, also spearheaded by the same people who will decide to ride in like a shining knight to save the day, but in reality they are bringing shackles and servitude, not hope.

Of course this is going to set off a particular poster here, and he will reply with "tHeRe iS nO nEw wOrLd oRdEr, yOu aSsHoLe" but he will end up yoked like everyone else. I wish I could see that when it happens.
anonymous Other March 13, 2025 at 10:20 pm 2
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Oh no! It's the deranged, paranoid conspiracy theorist again.
anonymous 10 hours ago
Jizalynn 8 hours ago
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