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Evil building in destruction derby 2

Evil building in destruction derby 2

I was playing the old Playstation 1 game "Destruction derby 2" and in the pit stop area of Chalk Canyon, there is this nasty evil white building on the left hand side as you enter the pit stop area. Not only does it contort wildly, and it's windows become huge zig zags, but it's partially clipped through the fence and the stands. And it goes real wild when I drive up as close as I can, and it looks like it's trying to turn into a fucking curtain trying to envelop my car and possibly suffocate the driver.

Because of the limited graphics engine, other parts of the scenery bend and contort a little bit, but this one fucking building takes it to the extreme.
anonymous Sports March 10, 2025 at 7:37 am 0
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