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I recently began "manually" deleting some old browser activity, you know, the usual, history, searches, etc, but then I got to thinking that this is kinda redunctant since I had already had the feature "auto-delete" turned on. I then started to "overthink" this feature's fumction, as I do with almost , well no, actually, EVERYTHING I do on a computer. I noticed the " send a Do Not Track request" feature in my browser's settings on Chrome. It always boggled the mind, mine,anyway, that this "Do Not Track" when feature, when applied is supposed to do just as it states, request a site NOT TO TRACK me, however I still felt it a little dumb to assume that it would have much affect on Google itself, so I decided to investigate this apparent "oxy moronic" delima in a basic search question, as I framed it in more of a statement which read like this TYPED: [ "The Do Not Track" setting on my Chrome browser setting does not work for Google] STOP.
( so "why " {{{would have been an actual question continuing...}}} is it relavent to have if you want to stop Google from Tracking everything from your Activity without losing passwords to accounts or even use it for anything if it's just ignored anyway? Lol hold on....

[Pressed ENTER:] I got one of the dumbest Ai Overview "returns as an answer" which simply read:
Ai Overview
Learn more
This is correct; while you can technically enable a "Do Not Track" setting in your Google Chrome browser, it's important to understand that most websites, including Google's own services, do not activiely respond to Do Not Track requests, meaning it likely won't significantly impact how your data is collected and used across the web.

OMG, then I was right, this Non Feature setting is ridiculous, Me, Tempted, but not going forward with my next search that would be: Why is Ai overview necessary and is it moderated by Captain Obvious?
anonymous Computers February 03, 2025 at 1:37 pm 0
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9 Rant Comments
This is my Rant, why they post it before I can put my name on it is ridiculous. Marilyn M. Clark 02/03/2025
anonymous 4 hours ago
There is a lot of agitation propaganda about that feature being useless being pushed artificially but hypothetically there's a duty to care about your preferences and you may be entitled to compensation if anybody who gives a fuck about us does anything about it.
anonymous 4 hours ago
Marilyn 4 hours ago
It's also useful to check what your auto delete is actually set to be deleting, and how often. If you clear this stuff a lot and there's no hard feelings being signed out of sessions on websites, or having to pass cookie identity checks, you would benefit from deleting all at the end of browsing session then you wouldn't have to manually do it ever.
anonymous 4 hours ago
Much like the FACT CHECKERS of social platforms, WHO gets to decide truth or falseness of a subject? Who is then those "over-lords" auto-matically making it "OUR FACTS" ?
Marilyn 3 hours ago
To access truth, one must use reason to ascend to the realm of Forms, not rely on sensory experiences or popular opinion. Truth is beyond sensory experience, and beyond time. Many facts are harder to access than others. Good fact checking will occupy itself with uncontroversial easy facts. A new layer of public trust needs to be built into fact checking, by installing a neuralink in your brain to get your honest untainted feedback. This will allow us to discard unpopular facts and reduce world strife.
anonymous 3 hours ago
Lmao, No, I reject the term "Uncontroversial easy facts" that in itsself is an opinion or popular belief to a degree in all things considered. "Other's" blind and trusted research, sounds a lot like the disasterous experiments in the 1940s with labotomies...when TRUTH & FACT collide independent of other's sensory and known experiences no one is more aware of a truth or fact but the subjected with the "forced applied sensory" that faces it themselves ,as was only later accepted as though it had mattered but had been so arrogantly ignored by those self ascertaining themselves as more disregarding fact as well an absent of any good reason other than the excuses they came up with as merely a happenstance of in the "times" and of those experimenting a popular held thought that the public as being less aware . Everyone's NEURALINKED FEEDBACK from installation would then be as unique as the individual themselves . Anyway, I can say without a doubt, no one will be given consent to re-program my thought process and discard the facts I hold of my experiences, despite the opinions of other's of what is or is not popular. I do come here often just to rant, I thought it was mostly an uninhabited space, but alas, a voice in the distance like astroids, approaching my escape route, passing, and gone. Peace.
Marilyn 2 hours ago
I'm sorry, In response to check to see what I am auto deleting: I am aware of the auto delete, that wasn't the point of the rant. It was that "The DO NOT TRACK " requests checked box in settings doesn't do anything and is pointless to have. Back to your comment, Sometimes I just want to delete stuff before the (KEEP for 3 months) but it has no lesser range as an option.Thanks.
Marilyn 1 hour ago
You said it yourself my friend. People 'care about your consent to reprogram your brain,' but with
corporate or with psychopath (effective leader with an altruistic face) they don't care anymore.
That's why I am bussing tables and cleaning up grease all day. Against my will. I never forget that
I am a dog to these people.
I love you and I hope you are free to be who you are and not forced sword on the neck to eat your own soul. Safe travels and peace.
anonymous 1 hour ago
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