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You are not pro-American if you voted for Trump. You're selfish and live in a bubble, ignorant to the problems you caused until they come back and bite you in the ass personally.
Anyone with a brain knows tariffs don't just stop at "making China pay," it is just the beginning of a devastating avalanche. Not only is China going to retaliate, so are other countries and guess who is going to be the one at the end of that chain and has to pay for it? You.
The funny part is this isn't fear mongering. The election is already over and those who remember taking an economics class know what comes next.
I've seen people who suddenly regret voting for Trump when they realized the Obamacare was the program they were relying on under a different name and learned what tariffs are and its a shame that they realized it too late.
Our economy is going to tank again and jobs are going to be lost just like the first time. I'm honestly surprised no one remembers this. Oh, wait, living in a bubble.
What I do find funny is the one claim that "Trump supporters are tired of being considered dumb" so they voted for the same guy they got called dumb for following in the first place. This feels like the cartoon Invader Zim where the people of the universe are so stupid that they advocate for their own demise several times while following a ridiculous super villain. You can't win with stupidity.
Dib Political November 27, 2024 at 3:47 am 0
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