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does he hate me

does he hate me

Like idfk if he hates me or what but who the fuck says "Bye?" or "Hi?" like why are we confused babes just say Bye and Hi like a normal person. I told y friend and she was like maybe he said "Hi?" as in "Hi whats up?" who the fuck saids "Hi?" for wsp like just say it like a normal person. also he seems so friendly with my friends and everybody else but with me his eyebrows like furrow or hes dry but to excited when talking to others. i didnt even do anything
yes Crushes November 14, 2023 at 9:23 pm 0
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4 Rant Comments
No idea what you are on about how is hi different to hi or bye different to bye
anonymous 10 months ago
I don't think those "signals" mean anything except in women's language that no man understands
anonymous 10 months ago
Fewiends 10 months ago
wella bella 10 months ago
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