Don't base medical opinions on a song.
If someone needs help and has the ability to access it, support them in seeking and accessing it.
There is nothing worse than not getting help. anonymous 7 months ago
There is a lot of worse things.
Do not base your advice on common sayings ("There's nothing worse than...")
Getting help, but the person offering help is a sadistic psycopath only interested in milking you for money or sharing 'funny stories' about their patients with their friends and family.
Or who has a real interest in making your problems worse, because they go into med because they like poking squishy things til they bleed.
That is worse than not getting help! anonymous 7 months ago
Or making your life a living hell of being juggled around mental health services just because you reached out. Spending the equivalent of a 40 hour week dealing with psychopathic doctors, pill pusherz, waiting room attendants. Awful. anonymous 7 months ago
"And don't even get me started" on the monkeys in nursing. anonymous 7 months ago
Anyway, take these concerns seriously instead of being dismissive of real problems in medicine. We don't all have access to shop around the best whitest teeth doctors. anonymous 7 months ago
5 Rant Comments
If someone needs help and has the ability to access it, support them in seeking and accessing it.
There is nothing worse than not getting help.
anonymous 7 months ago
Do not base your advice on common sayings ("There's nothing worse than...")
Getting help, but the person offering help is a sadistic psycopath only interested in milking you for money or sharing 'funny stories' about their patients with their friends and family.
Or who has a real interest in making your problems worse, because they go into med because they like poking squishy things til they bleed.
That is worse than not getting help!
anonymous 7 months ago
anonymous 7 months ago
anonymous 7 months ago
anonymous 7 months ago